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Съкровени вкуснотии: Философски трактат за кухнята

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C книгaтa “Cъкpoвени вкуснoтии” (1998 г.) писaтелкaтa oтнoвo ни въвеждa в светa нa екзoтичнaтa мексикaнскa кухня и нa мaгическaтa вселенa нa oгъня и любoвтa чpез интеpесните си истopии и любoпитни paзмисли зa мoдеpния свят, пpедстaвени в paзкaзи, стaтии и беседи.

Живият, увлекaтелен и изненaдвaщ стил нa Лаура Ескивел пpевpъщaт paзкaзaнoтo не сaмo в увлекaтелнo четивo, нo и в истинскo пpеживявaне.

Чoвек е тoвa, кoетo яде, нo същo тoлкoвa вaжнo е с кoгo и кaк гo яде.

Гoтвенетo е oбpед нa сливaне с вселенaтa.

Дълбoкият смисъл нa хpaненетo имa вpъзкa с жaждaтa ни зa вечнoст. Moже би зaтoвa пoчти всички бoгoве сa oстaвили свoе пpисъствие в хpaните. Ритуaлът, oсъществявaщ се oкoлo мaсaтa, е aкт с дълбoк и изнaчaлен pелигиoзен смисъл.

164 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1995

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About the author

Laura Esquivel

58 books2,154 followers
A teacher by trade, Laura Esquivel gained international attention with Like Water for Chocolate: A Novel in Monthly Installments with Recipes, Romances and Home Remedies and The Law of Love. In both books she manages to incorporate her teaching abilities by giving her readers lessons about life. During an on-line Salon interview with Joan Smith, she said, "As a teacher I realize that what one learns in school doesn't serve for very much at all, that the only thing one can really learn is self understanding and this is something that can't be taught." With the intensity of a committed teacher incorporating glitzy stunts into the curriculum to get the attention of her students, Esquivel took a bold step when she incorporated multimedia in The Law of Love by combining her science fiction, new age, and spiritual story with a CD of arias by Puccini and Mexican danzones, and forty-eight pages of illustrations by a Spanish artist.

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Profile Image for Deniz Balcı.
Author 2 books709 followers
December 10, 2019
‘Acı Çikolata’yı daha yeni okumuş olsam da Esquivel’in dünyasına özlem duydum ve bu kitabı okuyayım dedim. İsmi sizi yanıltmasın, aslında kurgu dışı olduğu kadar kurmaca bir eser de var karşımızda. Kısa kısa öykülerden oluşuyor diyebilirim. Tek fark yazar zaman zaman öykülerin içine giriyor ve kendi olarak konuşuyor. ‘Acı Çikolata’da şahit olduğumuz yemek tariflerinden kocakarı ilaçlarına sıçrayan garip anlatımlar burada da merkezde ve bizi alıp Meksika’nın göbeğine bırakıyor. O kadar samimi bir aktarımı var ki Esquivel’in, haz aldım okurken. Diğer yandan eserin kadınlığa dair söylediği evrensel şeyler de var. Bunlarda zeminde akıyor. Çok tatlı, tarifleri gibi nefis bir kitap. (Not: Nefis olduğunu umuyorum yemek tariflerinin. Kitabı başucuma koyuyorum, önümüzdeki zamanlarda birbirinden garip tariflerden birkaçını deneyeceğim. Bakalım ne çıkacak.) Eğer 'Acı Çikolata'dan keyif aldıysanız bu kitabı da mutlaka okuyun derim ama öncelikle 'Acı Çikolata' elbette.

İyi okumalar.
Profile Image for Özlem Güzelharcan.
Author 5 books308 followers
January 6, 2016
Kırkmerak serisinden hızlı okunan, keyifli bir kitap; mutfağa felsefi bir yaklaşım.. Laura Esquivel çocukluğundan, Meksika kültüründen ve hayattan anıları, düşünceleriyle sevdiği yemek tariflerini paylaşıyor okurla. Kitabın görselleri harika. Bir hamam böceğinin ağzından anlatılan(!) Manchamanteles tarifi en sevdiğim bölüm oldu.
Profile Image for Alejandra.
60 reviews
December 23, 2021
A collection of speeches, short writings and recipes from Esquivel, most of which have never been published in English. I finished the book (in only a couple of hours) with a strong desire to go back and re-read books from what I've dubbed as "Las Grandes de la literatura" - Esquivel, Cisneros, Allende, Alvarez. Their books made me fall in love with reading and led me to dive deep into Chicano/Latino literature some 20 years ago. It also left me desperate to book my next trip to Mexico.

Prologue: "No one who loves life can ignore literature, and no one who loves literature can ignore life. But to read is also to live: to live reading and to read life."

"...as if they didn't know that the foods they prepared and the rest of us ate remained in our bodies for many hours, chemically altering our organisms, nourishing our souls and our spirits and giving us an identity, a language, a legacy." -At the Hearth
Profile Image for Manuel.
12 reviews
January 7, 2021
Leí este libro en 2003, lo encontre en un hiper mercado cerca de mí casa, en una estantería llena de libros en oferta, de esos eróticos con tapas dibujadas con acuarelas con mujeres rubias y hombres con pectorales desnudos. Me llamo la atención la presentación, lo compre solo por eso. Después de 3 días ya lo había terminado. En general Es difícil reírse con las historia de un libro, creo que eso tiene que ver sin dudas con la manera que la escritora organiza el lenguaje, la experiencia y la creatividad. Lo mejor del libro para mi es el sarcasmo con el que se construyen algunas de las historias, cómo por ejemplo las chotas actitudes machistas de Apolonio. Y eso. El libro es muy muy entretenido y las he historias muy originales.
Profile Image for Kristi Duarte.
Author 3 books35 followers
May 14, 2018
This is a collection of articles, not a novel. If you love food (and are looking for new recipes) and the Mexican culture, you will enjoy this book.
Profile Image for Christina Mortellaro.
272 reviews1 follower
February 26, 2019
This was a collection of essays, speeches, and book intros that left me wanting more within each piece. I was definitely more engaged with some pieces more than others because they were taken out of context. For instance, I really enjoyed reading a few of the cookbook introductions but because they were just intros, it felt abrupt and unsatisfying when they ended. But I still love Esquival's writing style overall even if this collection didn't feel cohesive.
Profile Image for Nalle.
432 reviews55 followers
November 6, 2021
Es una complicación de artículos que escribió la autora y una manera de conocerla un poquito más así como sus razones para crear Como agua para Chocolate. Todo esto rodeado de la escencia de la comida, la cocina y los elementos que te transportan a ese sentimiento de hogar.
Profile Image for Bryanda.
91 reviews9 followers
February 3, 2021
As a Mexican I fell in love instantly with "Como agua para chocolate" it's one of my favorite books in the world because it represents my culture in writing form. Food is so important for the Mexican community and she has a way of telling stories that combine food and tradition.

As I was reading, every page reminded me of my childhood. I can testify this is how Mexico lives, through its food and stories. We have made out of food a whole ritual.

To understand Mexico, one needs to understand food.
Profile Image for Aurora Gutierrez.
154 reviews1 follower
March 10, 2021
Libro súper entretenido, recomendadísimo para leerlo durante un viaje.

Mis cuentos favoritos fueron:
-Mayonesa adelgazante
- Sea por Dios y venga más

Lectura rápida que se disfruta, que te hace pensar, que te inspira a cocinar y amar <3
Profile Image for M. J.  Hernández.
222 reviews3 followers
January 6, 2023
"Y aunque no seamos religiosos, creo que para ninguno de nosotros será extraño pensar que a través de los olores que compartimos con nuestros semejantes, de los sabores de los alimentos y de la sustancial presencia de la divinidad en ellos los seres humanos podemos tener día tras día un pequeño anticipo del paraíso."
Hace tiempo leí "Como agua para chocolate" y me gustó mucho. Quedé con el recuerdo del placer de la lectura, junto a un vago interés en seguir explorando la bibliografía de Laura Esquivel; resulta que durante diciembre de 2022 estaba en un puesto de libros usados y encontré este ejemplar. El título me pareció bastante sugerente en tanto que manda muchas reminiscencias de la obra más conocida de su autora. Luego descubrí que eran cuentos, pero más tarde no, sino una mezcla de diversos textos que giran en torno a la cocina y los alimentos; con eso en mente, con Tita en mente, abrí el libro.
En ese aspecto mis expectativas no se vieron cumplidas. "Íntimas suculencias" tiene, en efecto, algunos relatos que están construidos con base a recetas. Laura Esquivel es muy habilidosa, no solo en la técnica narrativa sino en la estética también. Pero también hay discursos, prólogos a textos de cocina y, como se dice en el subtitulo, tratados filosóficos; es una de las razones por las que el libro no me encantó, no se aclara la procedencia bien (en la última página sí, pero debería haber sido al principio), así que a veces sentí los textos como demasiado sueltos... Por otra parte, la forma en la que ella se acerca a la cocina es un tanto mística y yo soy una persona muy pragmática, así que, si bien coincidía con la línea de pensamiento de Esquivel, no me terminaba de entrar por su forma de expresarse.
Considero que lo más importante de "Íntimas suculencias" es que se trata de un libro muy político en el que se menciona constantemente la necesidad de una nueva estructuración del mundo en donde los intereses capitalistas no puedan intervenir. Cómo el nuevo liberalismo destruye a las personas, la tradición y los alimentos, por no mencionar la catástrofe ambiental que estamos enfrentando; me gustó muchísimo que ella se mete con la forma en la que la política puede intervenir a los alimentos.
A pesar de que no conecté al 100% con este libro, reconozco su potencia en torno a como mediante la comida Laura Esquivel habla de muchas realidades importantes junto a una prosa muy delicada, que se nota como los afectos danzan con la narrativa y crítica. ¡Lo recomiendo mucho!
Profile Image for Jaclyn.
3 reviews1 follower
December 20, 2016
When I originally found this book in the library, I believe it was fate. I had opened the book briefly and fell in love with the drawings that appeared on each side and bottom of every page. I then took the book home and randomly opened the book to Laura Esquivel's piece "Oaxacan Black Mole". Let it henceforth be known that I will travel near and far for the chance of meeting delicious mole- red, green, Oaxacan Black, whichever. However, I love the stories that surround Oaxacan Black Mole in particular. I have heard many stories about how recipes are passed from one magical cook to the next with the number of ingredients ranging from 30-something to 57. So, when I saw that this book included a story about Oaxacan Black Mole, I couldn't wait to begin reading. I did enjoy this account of Mole, as well as the rest of the book, yet my favorites were "Cooking with Chiles", "Lowfat Mayonnaise", and "Apolonio". To me, in these particular stories the author's sense of humor, connection to others and food, as well as her cleverly hidden acerbic wit, shine.
485 reviews4 followers
April 26, 2018
A wonderful idea - but too much repetition

I was keen to read what sounded a fascinating concept after thoroughly enjoying Laura Esquivel's novel 'Pierced by the Sun' but, sadly, was not so enamoured with this book. Some of the articles are quite interesting, but after a couple of chapters the material seems rather repetitive. If the reader had been provided with an indication of the context of each piece - all of which have been published elsewhere - I think this would have added to the value of the collection.

The design and layout of the book cannot be faulted; the line drawings, which wrap around the page, are fabulous. If you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited it is worth borrowing the book to read 'Apple Soup' and to look at the illustrations.

I am afraid that for once I did not finish the book, although I had found the premise so attractive. Don't let this review put you off the author - as I mentioned before, her novel 'Pierced by the Sun' is a very worthwhile 4 star read.
Profile Image for Dany (Oasis Literario).
60 reviews5 followers
June 23, 2018
Se trata más de una autobiografía, ensayo.... Recopilación de las columnas que Laura Esquivel llegó a escribir para un periódico de E.U., luego de su libro Como Agua Para Chocolate que fué un éxito y las columnas que se publicaban en ese diario, eran pequeñas historias combinadas con una receta de comida mexicana.
Un libro muy personal con toda la escencia de la autora.
No me encantó y solo puedo rescatar que es bueno conocer el contexto en el que se desarrollo su gran obra Como Agua Para Chocolate.
Profile Image for Crystal.
544 reviews169 followers
August 23, 2019
The second or third piece is a short story instead of an essay like the others and without a little foreword or afterword identifying the speaker espouses blatantly racist views towards indigenous peoples while praising Spaniards.

Then a few pieces after that came an essay on the "male" and "female" parts of culture and relationships which frankly has no place in today's society. Assumes everyone is cishet and classifies culture/the act of writing/(re)production within a binary. Very strange.

DNF at 43%.
Profile Image for Tessa.
387 reviews20 followers
December 18, 2018
Me encanto conocer más sobre esta autora, es maravillosa y estos artículos me han dado otra perspectiva sobre nuestra nacionalidad y el gusto a la cocina, desde que leí Como agua para chocolate, es como si me invitará a este mundo que he esquivado hace mucho tiempo por miedo a que pueda arruinar un hermoso platillo, pero me motiva para realizarlo y ver lo maravilloso que es cocinar, espero muy pronto leer más libros de ella. Me tiene encantada.
Profile Image for B..
2,236 reviews11 followers
June 24, 2021
This was a lovely collection of essays and articles, most of which are still just as relevant as they were when they were first written. There was also a fascinating exploration of Like Water For Chocolate, which gave me new insights into the story that were not even close to what was on my radar the first time I read it. All in all, this was a great book, and a fast read, and I look forward to finding more by Esquivel as time goes on.
Profile Image for Blanca.
12 reviews
May 24, 2023
Laura Esquivel's writing is always a pleasure to read. This funny, emotional and light-hearted collection of essays tackles questions about female socialisation and sexuality along with interesting discusions of food and recipes. It is short and easy to read, and I would definitely recomend it for someone who wants a quick taste of her writing style and themes, or even for someone who has read her before and whom she has left, once again, hungry for more.
Profile Image for A.
192 reviews2 followers
October 22, 2018
I’m not Mexican nor do I enjoy Mexican food but I still loved everything about this part novel, part Mexican food cookbook. Laura Esquivel has an uncanny, incomparable ability to perfectly depict the heart of a family; the preparation of delicious, homely food in the kitchen. I truly enjoyed her candor when sharing personal anecdotes. It’s a small yet precious book.
Profile Image for Pepe Navarro.
24 reviews
January 22, 2019
Me gustó el libro como objeto; los detalles en tela de la portada, la calidad del papel y las ilustraciones. Me gustaron los cuentos “Sopa de Manzanas” y “Sea por dios y venga más”. El que sea una recopilación de publicaciones hechas en otros medios no me encanta, me parece que es como un rompecabezas que no embona del todo bien y se siente más como un pretexto para vender.
August 18, 2020
Laura Esquivel logra con su pluma hacernos sentir ese calorcito de hogar. Desde su reflexión sobre la importancia de la cocina en el ser humano hasta lo trascendentes que son algunos ingredientes para el mexicano como lo son el chile y el maíz. Libro cortito, lleno de reflexiones y cuentos muy al estilo de Laura Esquivel.
Profile Image for Lara A.
454 reviews5 followers
March 13, 2022
This is a short miscellany of writings, presentations and recipes that Esquivel has presented elsewhere. All of them have the underlying motto of the importance of the shared activity of cooking and enjoying food. For those who don't know much about Mexican food (and include myself in that), it will make you hunger to know more.
Profile Image for El rincón de moob.
83 reviews23 followers
January 26, 2024
Me ha gustado bastante hasta la mitad del libro. Una vez ahí, siento que decaía un poco el tono de los escritos, aunque siempre me encanta leer historias relacionadas con la cocina. Como dice la autora, cocinar es otra forma de demostrar amor a alguien.
Seguiré con la autora, porque tengo pendiente "Como agua para chocolate".
Profile Image for Laylay l.
106 reviews1 follower
July 3, 2018
bokum gibi , sürekli acı çikolata kitabından bahsediyor , 2 3 tane tarif var onları da yarım yamalak gelişigüzel anlatıyor tarifler de hep hayvansal zaten... yeni insan yeni insan diyor hep, vegan tarif ver ozaman eski kafalı insan...
Profile Image for Beatriz.
22 reviews
December 9, 2022
Este compendio es muy variado, algunos relatos me gustaron mucho otros no tanto.
Profile Image for Felipe Vieyra.
20 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2023
Una excelente obra que combina autobiografía, ideas, cuentos y recetas de cocina. Un libro exquisito.
Profile Image for Lolo ♡.
14 reviews1 follower
June 10, 2023
Raro y algunas historias no se entendian pero otras estaban buenas, buen concepto del libro
Profile Image for Anís. .
9 reviews
January 28, 2020
Desde mi opinión como mujer sudamericana. Puedo afirmar que "íntimas suculencias" es un libro que mediante la transmisión de distintas sensaciones y amores culinarios; transporta al lector al corazón de lxs mexicanxs.

Enamorada, puedo decir que viví cada página del libro en cuestión desde el estómago hasta el corazón. Espero disfrutar aún más de esta amada autora latinoamericana.
925 reviews
April 28, 2020
This is a series of articles by Laura Esquivel (Like Water for Chocolate) that ponder on life, love and food. They had, I believe all been published elsewhere before making it to this slim book, and they really didn’t hold my attention.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews

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