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Don't Be A Dick: Change Yourself, Change Your World

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The single book therapists everywhere will recommend to all of their patients, because at some point or another, we are all behaving like dicks.

Why this book? Because you might be a dick: a mean-spirited, self-serving individual who thinks and acts as though everyone else in the world can only be understood—and whose only importance is defined—in terms of their relationship to himself or herself. That’s right, herself. Because anatomical evidence aside, dicks can be women, too. Being a dick might feel powerful in the short-term, but it is probably not helping you much in the long-term, because this flawed character trait is exactly what is keeping you from attaining what you may want most: personal satisfaction, a steady job, a loving committed relationship, and/or lifelong friendships.

Anyone, at any time, can slip into being a dick—and many do. Yet Don’t Be a Dick is especially for people who have noticed how their own behavior tends to backfire, leaving them feeling isolated or uncertain why their seemingly justified actions consistently have such poor results. If you’re constantly using the refrain, &quotIt’s not me, it’s them," whenever something goes wrong, Mark Borg is here to tell you that it is, in fact, you. The good news is there is something you can do to reverse these behaviors and live a happier, more fulfilling life.

256 pages, Paperback

Published December 3, 2019

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About the author

Mark B. Borg Jr.

5 books21 followers
Mark B. Borg, Jr., Ph.D. is a community psychologist and psychoanalyst, founding partner of The Community Consulting Group, and a supervisor of psychotherapy at the William Alanson White Institute. He has written extensively about the intersection of psychoanalysis and community crisis intervention. He is in private practice in New York City. Dr. Borg attended graduate school at the California School of Professional Psychology, where he earned both his MA and PhD in a dual-track program in clinical and community psychology. While there, Dr. Borg served on a four-year community empowerment project that was developed in South Central Los Angeles in the wake of the 1992 riots. Also at that time, he conducted individual and group psychotherapy at the AIDS Services Foundation in Orange County, California.

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
Profile Image for Bryan Hovey.
98 reviews
March 31, 2021
This is the first time that I have just flat-out stopped reading a book. I will usually push through a book even if I'm not thrilled by it but with this one, I just can't. My sons bought this for me as a joke a while ago but I figured I would read it. I never look a gift book in the mouth. It's not that it's poorly written. It's just so goddamn boring. Essentially the idea is that since you can only control your own actions and not the actions of others (which is fundamentally true), you should just be a doormat for all the other dicks in the world. So now I can finally move on with the stack of books that I actually want to read.
Profile Image for John.
46 reviews
November 15, 2021
Well this book pretty much sucked! It basically is saying that you can only control what YOU say or DO and to pretty much accept everyone's else's "dickery" and just be a doormat! Very boring book that could have basically been a one page essay! Now on to reading something much better!!
Profile Image for AVHer.
19 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2023
Very helpful.

This book empowered me to feel like I had control over my own actions and abilities. It gets repetitive, in that it's because it's saying the same thing in as many ways as possible.

In order to get through the readers thick mindedness and actually empower them to make the changes.

Lots of exercises and not a lot of space to write which was difficult, but otherwise great.
1 review
April 28, 2020
Deep insight in common language

I thoroughly enjoyed this common-sense, common language explanation of heavy psychological concepts. That was interesting, but in a more practical sense, it helped me look at myself and see how I can act different and feel better. Great book by a brilliant and down-to-earth writer!
Profile Image for Turquoise Brennan.
440 reviews1 follower
June 14, 2021
Truly reflective experience to read & not just thinking about others being a dick but really makes you see how you can be a dick
..big time. Great book!
Profile Image for Lila.
5 reviews1 follower
May 17, 2023
Really good!!! Got really wordy toward the end and I wish it had a little bit less client stories but other wise I enjoyed
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews

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