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I Stop Somewhere Waiting for You

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Jonsie Hunter is a little rough around the edges. Outspoken and strong willed with a streak of defiance, she can give most guys a run for their money. She also happens to be Queen City Royalty. With the territories surrounding the city divided between two rival gangs, she lives a life of wealth and privilege afforded not only by her social standing, but also her brother, Nicky - the leader of the Queen City Dukes.

Maverick Bishop is leader of the Renegade Rebels. A king in his own right, though one who clawed and brawled his way to the top being from lesser means. Bishop and Nicky operate within the confines of a fragile treaty. They tolerate one another at best, but peace has ultimately been maintained.

In this world, loyalty is love and there is no one Jonsie loves more than her brother.

Until one night when Jonsie's path crosses Bishop's, leaving the man who doesn't cast second glances suddenly fixated solely on her.

As lust turns to love, Jonsie is left struggling with where her loyalties lie, while Bishop is faced with the realization that stolen moments only carry you so far...

541 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 14, 2023

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About the author

Amanda Jones

4 books86 followers
Amanda Jones writes emotionally charged, angst ridden dark romance and fantasy romance novels; incorporating themes of first love, forbidden love, second chances, and found family. Though her books pack plenty of drama, she's a big believer in Happy Ever Afters.

An avid reader, hopeless romantic, and slightly eccentric insomniac – if she’s not playing with her kids, going to rock concerts or working, you can be sure to find her with her face buried in a book. Amanda lives in New York with her husband, their two awesome kids, and their super lazy fur babies.

Follow Amanda on Instagram @thatauthorchick_amandajones for updates surrounding current works and upcoming releases.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 89 reviews
Profile Image for Cee.
2,746 reviews138 followers
August 19, 2023
DNF @ 9%/ 9??? chapter in

Her brother made his gang because he's an adrenaline junkie?? and doing motorcross just doesn't cut it apparently. Also, why go to university and get the education/degree needed to play high stakes games on the national and international level when you can just deal drugs in a city?
He's soooooo smart and yet, he buries people in his backyard instead of idk anywhere else?!
He also still lives at home... for some reason that wasn't explained yet, but between him and his rich father they apparently have horrible home security because Love Interest was able to sneak onto the property... on a Harley.

So, that all being said it is probably easy to tell that I just couldn't get into this book because I couldn't take any of the characters seriously. Literally nothing any of them did made sense nor does the circumstances the story lands us in.

Also wish people would stop calling this mafia romance it isn't it's gang which is a different vibe. And don't get me started on how girlie is "Royalty" literally only because her brother's gang is called Queen City Dukes.

That all being said, the writing is decent and I don't remember any errors thus far, so I am not writing this author off completely. There is potential here.
Profile Image for Madison Drumm.
99 reviews6 followers
February 15, 2023
“𝘖𝘩, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘳𝘶𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦’𝘴 𝘯𝘰 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶.”

5/5 ⭐️
5/5 🌶

   A dark forbidden mafia/gangster romance that isn’t a slow burn? 𝙔𝙀𝙎. 𝙋𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀. I’m going to start out by saying check out the trigger warnings because this book does cover some very dark subjects that are frequently brought up, as well as some very graphic scenes.
   There isn’t a character in this book that I didn’t fall in love with. Jonsie was a strong, badass fmc that you can’t help but love from the very start. She endured some horrible things, but refused to be a victim. She didn’t tolerate any bullshit and had no problem calling people out, regardless of how terrifying the person was. Mav? *soaked* The definition of the perfect morally grey heartthrob. I knew my heart was a goner the moment he was watching her from the balcony. “Till the motha fuggin wheels fall off.” Their chemistry and banter was 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆. Jonsie and Nicky’s relationship is so sweet and I love that it played a huge part in the book. The side characters all play a big part, which I love because sometimes, side characters in books are just there with not much purpose, but Amanda made sure that wasn’t the case here.
   There were so many plot twists, I was constantly on edge waiting to see what was going to happen. I was laughing, crying, screaming at the characters to get their head out of their ass. I’ll throw in I was internally screaming at the author as well. Felt as if she was playing games with my heart. * ʳᵃⁱˢᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʰᵃⁿᵈ ⁱᶠ ʸᵒᵘ’ᵛᵉ ᶠᵉˡᵗ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒⁿᵃˡˡʸ ᵛⁱᶜᵗⁱᵐⁱᶻᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ʳᵉᵍⁱⁿᵃ ᵍᵉᵒʳᵍᵉ.* This book was everything I hoped it would be and more. The spice? Don’t mind me over here changing my panties (𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙢𝙤𝙢). I cannot wait for Nicky’s book because he was such a phenomenal character!
   Final thought… I am going to have to legally change my name because anytime there is a character named Madison, she is either a bitch, a hoe or both. This Madison is spelled Maddison, so I will let it slide. 😉
Profile Image for Kmae.reads.
201 reviews9 followers
January 30, 2023
This book is SERIOUSLY a wild ride!! (Check trigger warnings)

-Mafia romance
-Brothers rival
-Forbidden love
-Romeo and Juliet vibes
-steamy spice
-TONS of drama!!

I was *living* for the tension and anticipation between the two MCs. Honestly, I would go to bed and wake up the next day thinking about this story. Every time I would think they’re in a good place, BOOM! Shit would hit the fan. I literally could not even guess what was going to come next anymore, the hits just kept coming and I was loving it. 😂

The reason I took a star is really more of a me-problem. I constant use of wifey, yo, and Queen really just kept throwing me off. They’re words that I don’t like hearing in real life, so it was hard for me to take the characters seriously. Again, that’s a me problem! I also wouldn’t have complained if this book was juuuust a little shorter. Otherwise I really enjoyed the writing and I’m absolutely getting in line NOW for Nicky’s book!

Thank you for letting me read this ARC, Amanda. ❤️ I seriously had a blast and I can’t wait to read Nicky’s story!
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,677 reviews2,302 followers
July 24, 2023
Get it here:
Amazon US * Amazon UK

This got a lot messier than I was expecting, but I was so here for the angst and drama that came from all of the situations these characters were thrown into.
141 reviews3 followers
February 6, 2023
5 Stars Is Not Enough!

Mind blowing! It’s rare that I am left speechless, but this book…this book….has done it. Once again, Amanda has hit it out of the park. This is an author to watch and have on auto buy. The way she is able to plan out a storyline that keeps you guessing and makes connections along the way that you didn’t see coming is unparalleled! You think you are done, but then another curveball comes up. The depth that you get to know the characters and how you feel as if you are right there with them every step of the way…Epic! This has a modern day Romeo and Juliet feel to it. I laughed out loud, swooned for Mav, and audibly gasped and yelled thorough the entire book. I was so engrossed, that I binged the first 75% of the book but then became so sad that it was almost over, that I hung on to that last 25% as long as I could. This book has made a lasting imprint on me, as a reader, and I am now entering into a withdrawal. I am thankful there will be more coming! Truly, Mav and J’s story is one you should read, but I warn you…Make sure you are ready…You will not be able to put it down once you start AND it’ll be hard to read others without comparing them to her writing style. Literally flawless! I will shout it from the rooftops and support her writing journey “until the wheels come off”!
Profile Image for Madeline Vaughn.
Author 4 books24 followers
January 26, 2023
This is a modern day Romeo + Juliet meets Westside Story!
I’m a huge fan of this author! She crushed it with her debut novel The Guardian My Soul to Keep. I’ve been anxiously waiting for the second in that particular series. However when she started talking about this book, I was happy to wait. I was so excited to see the spin she put on these star crossed lovers.

She freaking knocked it out of the park with this book! If you aren’t following her and reading every single thing she writes, what are you even doing with your life?!?!

I could see this book easily becoming a movie adaptation to the Romeo + Juliet enterprise.

47 reviews2 followers
February 6, 2023
This is my first book by Amanda Jones and I am in love! Jonsie and Mav’s story will have you blushing, laughing, crying, screaming, and overall falling in love alongside them. Mav is your definition of morally grey, with Jonsie being a straight up badass. Jonsie and her brother, Nicky, also have a strong connection that is shown heavily throughout the book.

Our main protagonists make you fall in love with them, and I am so excited to find out what happened with Nicky in the next book!

Spice Rating: 5/5
Checking trigger warnings for this book are a must, as it’s a Dark Mafia Romance with heavy content.
Profile Image for Shae Coon.
Author 20 books78 followers
September 25, 2023
Move over Romeo and Juliet.
Maverick and Jonsie are star-crossed lovers but don't expect them to just lay down and die.
These two are explosive together, and there's no way in hell they're letting a little thing like family rivalry get in their way.
Hot, sexy, with all the right feels.
This is a long read, so tuck in.
I highly recommend this book
Check triggers
Profile Image for Zondra Yates.
80 reviews1 follower
January 29, 2023

Forbidden love, rival gangs, dual POV. There is also smut.
Also, check the TWs so you know some themes going in.

Oh boy! This was one wild ride. There was next to no time to relax at all. So much goes on, it's insane. But I did really enjoy it. I was rooting for Jonsie and Mav through so much of it. Every major character is great, even if they're actions may not have been.
Profile Image for Victoria Brown.
73 reviews
February 14, 2023
“I promise never to run too far. I promise I’ll always stop somewhere, waiting for you to catch up.”

“You’re not just a desire, baby. You’re a necessity. I don’t survive without you.”

Indie author Amanda Jones took a huge leap, writing her second novel in a totally different genre from her first, and in my opinion it was a leap that paid off.

Let’s be real, we love a strong, independent, stabby FMC, and if that doesn’t describe Jonsie Hunter, I don’t know what does. Okay, she may be more likely to pull a gun on you than stab you, but you know what I mean. Despite being fiercely guarded by her brother, Jonsie isn’t scared of a little confrontation and welcomes is when it comes to Maverick Bishop. And when two hot heads get together, what’s the result, steam. And so much of it! The spicy content had me blushing, and then going back for more! Speaking of more, Maverick Bishop, I don’t think he could be more man if he tried. Just go ahead and add him to your list of book boyfriends, because swoon. If you like a heavily tatted man, who is willing to burn the world to the ground for you and will grovel at your feet, Mav is your guy. Not that there aren’t several other men in the book who won’t catch your eye, hello Finn!

Per her usual style, the author keeps the story moving at a steady pace, adding in details that keep you turning page after page. Yes, I did stay up until 3am to finish this. Something I love about her writing style, the short chapters and multiple points of view which add dynamic to the story and characters. Also, I’m going to give a shout out to the villains, there are so many of you, some unexpected, but also some that are so intriguing. Plus some morally grey men you aren’t expecting!

We all have nits about books, I had very few for this one. It does include a troupe I’m not particularly fond of, not mentioning it here because we’re not dropping spoilers. I also had a hard time keeping up with such a big cast of characters, but got them down by the end. I also needed way more Nicky and Daphne content, BUT good news, Nicky is getting his own spin off novel! Leave it to Amanda Jones to keep me coming back for more!

If you enjoy Fantasy novels, check out Amanda Jones’ first creation, The Guardian: My Soul to Keep, and it’s second novel coming Spring 2023. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

*ARC Review
299 reviews2 followers
February 16, 2023
This book was a wild ride! I was hooked from the very beginning. This is kind of a dark romance book and I don't think I have read one from that genre and I don't know what I have been waiting for.

This book is like a modern day Romeo and Juliet. Maverick is an up and coming gangster and his world is turned upside down when he meets Jonsie at his club one night. What he doesn't realize is she is the beloved sister of his rival, Nicky. He pursues her anyway and they start on a secret relationship. This book is told in two parts, the first part covers Mav and J meeting and falling in love and the second part takes place 4 years later.

I don't want to give too much away, but I will say that Jonsie is a force! She has been through trauma and has come out on the other side. Her brother lives a dangerous life and J can certainly take care of herself. The bond between the siblings is unbreakable and I really loved that aspect of the story. Maverick is just as bad as Nicky, but he falls for J and falls hard and fast. There is something about a man who will burn the world down to protect his girl and that is Maverick. And the steam between the two of them had me blushing 🥵.

There are so many twists and turns throughout this book, just when I thought I knew what was going to happen, something came out of nowhere to surprise me. There are a number of villains in this story and some of them were a complete surprise. I had a hard time putting this book down, I needed to know what happened next. The side characters in this book were also excellent. I know Nicky will be getting his own book next, but there were a number of characters who I could see getting their own story. This is a world I would love to revist more!

Read this if you like:
*Mafia romance
*morally grey men
*strong female characters
*forbidden love
*Brother's rival

I recommend checking trigger warnings before reading.

Thank you Amanda Jones for the ARC of this book!

Profile Image for Jade Dale-Phillips.
1 review3 followers
February 2, 2023
Romeo and Juliet who...? (Spoiler Free Review!)

The fiery passion, the suffocating tension, the heart-shattering betrayal... This single novel has it all.

'I Stop Somewhere Waiting For You' is a romance that had my heart hammering in my throat from start to stop. Book boyfriends really do do it better, and that is depicted extremely clearly here. This tale of a Bishop and his Queen had me hooked, lined and sunk. I couldn't put it down, nor did I want to. With such a lush setting and fleshed-out characters, I truly felt like I was a part of this story. I'm not usually one for reading darker romantic stories, but this one was just so well done, that I may have to indulge more often. I only finished the book last night, and I already miss Mav and Jonsie. Another read is definitely going to be in the near future.

The only negative thing I can say about this story...is that it ends. I wanted more and I still do. Although this novel does seem like a standalone - and I think it might be - I will always be left to wonder what Mav and Jonsie do next...what the next chapter of their lives will bring.

Amanda Jones has only released two books thus far, I have read them both, and I can honestly say that this woman has the makings of a great author. She has already become one of my new favourites in such a short time and I cannot wait to read her next novel.

To Amanda, herself? Thank you. In the last couple of months, you have brought two amazing books and many incredible characters into my life. Your writing got me through a tough time and I'm better now because of it. I cannot wait for your next addition to your publishing list and I will continue to support you for as long as I can.

It's just like I said; hooked, lined, sunk.

Thank you.
February 13, 2023
Thank you to Amanda Jones for providing me with an eARC!

I never knew I liked mafia romances so much, but I do enjoy a morally grey MMC so it should not be any surprise that I absolutely could not put this book down until the end! I wish I would have been like Jonsie when I was seventeen! She’s fearless and doesn’t shy away from speaking her truth no matter who she’s talking to. Mav, oh Mav, a brooding morally grey heartthrob who literally kills if someone as little as mentions Jonsie! I was a goner as soon as he was watching her from the balcony! I was a bit thrown by how young they were at the start with Mav and Nicky being the leaders of the groups and all the “action” there is but you forget that really fast! Throughout the book I was happy, laughing, blushing a lot, sobbing, frustrated rooting for them, wishing they would just get their act together though they go through a lot together and alone and sometimes all of this at the same time! You should really check the trigger warnings for this one because this book covers some dark subjects. Mav and Jonsie have my heart in this book, but I cannot write a review without mentioning Nicky and Daph which we get a glimpse of what they go through and I really can’t wait to read more about them. Also the side characters are all there for a purpose, when one appears you may think that it’s pointless but you get to the end and you find that they were a major part of the story! All-in-all, I really loved this story and can’t wait to read more from Amanda!
Profile Image for Casandra Morrow.
39 reviews2 followers
February 13, 2023
A million stars! Seriously guys, this one is pure gold!
This is my second time reading this story, but my first time reading it as a complete novel and I swear to God, I fell more in love with this story!

I had the privilege to Alpha read this as Amanda was writing it last year, so when the ARC showed up on my kindle, I was so excited to be able to smash it out and not have to wait for the next chapter 😂 BUT LET ME TELL YOU....IT IS JUST AS GOOD THE SECOND TIME AROUND, POSSIBLY BETTER!

I was HOOKED and couldn't put it down even though I knew what was going to happen!

The story is a dark, modern day Romeo and Juliet inspired piece, but instead of feuding families, it's rival gangs. 😱 enter all the morally grey men 🥵

It does get pretty dark in some parts, so please check the triggers.

It has everything you could want!
Brother's rival trope ✔️
Forbidden romance ✔️
Touch her and die ✔️
Badass FMC ✔️
Broody, hot as fuck, take no shit, gangster boss MMC who treats his lady like a queen 👸🏼 ✔️

AND THE SIDE CHARACTERS!!! Gahh I love them just as much as the MCs! The just as badass bestie and big bro were so fun!

Maverick Bishop is the morally grey love interest you all need, and he has cemented his place in my heart ❤️

10/10 recommend you grab this for yourself today!
Profile Image for Carrie West.
269 reviews9 followers
February 14, 2023
Who knew I’d be rooting that hard for the bad guy?

Why does my life feel suddenly empty now that this story is over? It feels weird and for sure will take some time to get over this book hangover.

If you idolize someone who is a big, bad gangster, is it really a wonder that the boy who caught your attention is a sexy, cocky, beautifully tatted, bad boy? Girl, he is probably the only one who will ever be able to handle you. Growing up with a brother like Nicky and his crew, and her mama, Jonsie turning into a spitfire was the only acceptable outcome.

Maverick, though is putty in his Queen’s hands, is the best at being a bad boy. He will cut you because you didn’t get his permission to breath, but will send you flowers as a peace offering.

As forbidden love goes, their’s is marvelous. It was hard to sit still while reading. Every time things seemed to calm down, I was smacked in the face with a new twist that left me talking to myself and the book. My boyfriend just sat on the couch laughing at me while I argued with the characters to not do what was written on the pages. Maverick was called a few choice names. Most of which were not flattering.
Profile Image for Jessica.
208 reviews6 followers
February 14, 2023
Holy cow! When I say I could not put the book down, I read until all hours in the morning. This book had me almost in tears and then laughing the next moment.

Jonsie and Mav story hit me right in the heart. They are from different worlds but connected through one major factor. Jonsie is a feisty, outspoken younger sister of a gang leader. Maverick is a protective, loyal rival gang leader who set his eyes on Jonsie. The two are an attraction that spells bad news but too captivating to pass up stolen moments.

Throughout the story, we see the characters navigate the world of rival gangs, crimes, federal agents, love, and loyalty. There are major twists and turns that will break readers' hearts only to be mended again as the story progresses. I loved watching each character grow, begin to trust, and find themselves with one another. The world and character building is amazing in Amanda's novels. I can't wait to read more of her work.
Profile Image for Jessie (thetalesofabooklover).
372 reviews6 followers
February 25, 2023
4.5 rounded up.

Wow. Wow wow wow. Since the day Amanda posted a sneak peak to this book, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. And IT. DID. NOT. DISAPPOINT. Jonsie was so freaking badass. I loved her. Mav was the definition of morally grey. My favorite color. This is a DARK mafia romance. Seriously, check your triggers. As long as you can handle that, this is a must read. I loved Mav and Jonsie's dynamic. Also all the cute little things they'd say to each other to express their love. Swoon. I have liked a little more will they, won't they but overall their romance was fire. That ending has me needing Nicky's book right now though! I gotta see how his and Daph's story ends.

Thank you to the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for K Huskić.
1,490 reviews18 followers
February 13, 2023
Oh, I loved this one! This was a long book, but also not long enough. I didn't want to stop reading Jonsie and Mav's story.

This author creates stories that grip you from page one. This book had me laughing, crying, mad, happy and sad - just going through every emotion alongside the characters. Books that make me feel are my favourites.

The relationship and chemistry between Jonsie and Mav was intense and swoon-worthy from the start. I was rooting for them the entire way, hoping they could overcome the many obstacles to happiness. I just wanted them to get their HEA!

This was an amazing story, but now I'm left with a book hangover, something this author's work does to me! I cannot wait for more, though.
Profile Image for Laura.
4 reviews
January 30, 2023
Maverick is the guy of my dreams!! A classic dick to pretty much everyone other than his girl. It’s no wonder he chose Jonsie either. She’s the coolest female lead I’ve ever read about. She’s confident, loyal, brave, honest, and she’s been shown true love through the example of her parents and her amazing relationship with her brother and best friend. All of the relationships in this book are surprisingly wholesome considering wholesome is the last word I’d use to describe the twisted minds of these characters. This book is the best of both worlds- dark underground crime mobs mixed with a fairytale romance and a Brady bunch family. Excellent read! Highly recommend!!
Profile Image for Sienna Brooke.
Author 4 books15 followers
February 13, 2023
The connection between Jonsie and Bishop reminded me of that first love -- the one that never really gets out of your system. When you read it, you'll find yourself transported to that mindset again.

There were so many times where I found myself gutted because of the obstacles that got in their way.
Profile Image for Kim Wagg.
25 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2023
Enemies to baby sisters lover!!

I’m here for it!! I loved Maverick and Jonsies story, the family drama was on point. Jonsie and her step brother Nicky’s super close relationship had me second guessing where this story was going to go…not that I’d be mad about it ;) But I just as quickly fell in love with Maverick. Hope there is a book 2 about Nicky and Daphne’s story!
Profile Image for Lauren Squindo.
213 reviews1 follower
February 2, 2023
I wish I could give more than 5 stars! Such an incredible story with characters I fell in love with instantly! I started this at 6pm last night and finished it this morning at 10am! I can’t wait to read more from Amanda she is a very talented author and I look forward to reading Nicky’s story!
134 reviews4 followers
January 15, 2024
Book: I stop somewhere waiting for you.

Review: Damn Jonsie is feisty I’m only 1% into this book but I LOVE her already ❤️ Maverick asking Jonsie for a drink and her turning him down. Uh oh it’s his first time being turned down I bet with Jonsie it’s not going to be the first time he’s going to get turned down by her🤣 I’m loving Jonsie’s bond with her brother they seem really close. Maverick is her brother’s rival this is not going to end well!! He’s already got his eyes set on Jonsie!! This is something you definitely need to worry about!! Maverick wants Jonsie he doesn’t care if she’s his rivals baby sister!! Damn im shipping Daphne and Nicky hard!! She’s the type of girl he needs to keep him on his toes 😉 the way Jonsie flipped Maverick 🤣 this girl!! He thought she was going to wave at him. Yes Maverick you better believe it Jonsie is a 🤬 queen ❤️ Stupid stupid Trent that was a bad move. Atleast Maverick is with her even though she’s pretty badass by herself!! Ufffff these two 🥵 damn that lick 🥵 this family is so cute and super close love them. Maverick is brave coming to her house. These two can’t keep their hands off each other 🥵 Jonsie saying she’s broken and he still says you’re PERFECT!!! When he thinks she’s worth everything my heart is swooning. My heart for Jonsie 😭😭 she’s such a brave girl though! Nicky better have put those 🤬 in the ground! Maverick you have a lot of making up to do with Jonsie! Party time 🥳 I love how Nicky gets Jonsie everything she has ever dreamed off! Ohh Tommy I’m glad Jonsie told him straight though. Maverick waiting for his queen in her room 🥰 their first time was perfect 🥵 Daph don’t get Maverick too excited about the package deal 😉 My boy laughs ❤️ Daph and Jonsie’s conversation was really nice you can see Daph is a true friend I really would like to see Nicky and Daph together 🥰 I loved Mavericks surprise for Jonsie it was so thoughtful. My babies are in love ❤️ they are sooo precious. Matching tattoo’s 🔥 Nooo Nicky Maverick hasn’t find anything!! Just when I was really starting to like Bent 😭😭 why!!! Nicky and Maverick working together to get to the bottom of this!! Lockdown :/ they won’t be able to see each other. These two 🥵 their girls I love that ❤️ Nicky is going all out with Daph. Jonsie’s pregnant!! Not the best timing but Mavericks going to be over the moon. Baby Bishop 🥰 Oh no who knows??? Tommy 🫢 Tommy who has a crush on Jonsie kidnapped her!! OMG and T 🤬 I can’t even get my words out!! Nicky know about let’s see what happens next. I’m glad Daph and Jonsie are both okay. No 😭😭😭😭🤬 Tommy this all happened because of him my babies can’t be together 😭😭 Mavericks going to break his own and her heart 😭😭 Maverick should be going with Jonsie for her scans it’s not fair these two deserve the world!! Oh Maverick my heart is crying 😭 you will never be over Maverick you and Jonsie are meant to be together!! The heartbreak!! Oh no what happened BLOOD? Is the baby okay?? A four year leap. Daph and Jonsie both with the wrong guys. They deserve their fairytales! You ain’t marrying Luc, Daph I hope Nicky steps in. Maverick and Jonsie’s first meet after 4 years I could feel the tension!! 🤬 Amber and her phone call!!!! My babies need to get back together ASAP they’re breaking my heart 💔 🤬 Yuri!!! Nicky and Maverick in so much 🤬 that bathroom scene only Maverick gets Jonsie excited 🥵 thank god for Finn for putting some sense into Maverick. Can’t stand Amber hope we’re done with her!! Maverick you have a long path to make up for and get your girl back!! Jealous Jonsie loved it 🥰 🥵🥵. Let’s have that talk now. When she tells him about the baby my heart 😭 these two have been through so much!! No Nicky :/ yes I hate him for doing this but I still love him ❤️ Maverick and Jonsie are back together!! Everyone’s going to love Jonsie if that means Maverick’s not a grumpy ass anymore 🤣 they’re so happy they deserve it. Maverick is obsessed with that bathroom 🥰🥵 team work ❤️ gotta unite together like that to fight off your enemies. So much happening? What do you mean Caleb price didn’t exist up until 2 years ago ! I’m glad Jonsie and Nicky worked everything out they’re too cute together to be arguing. Nicky teasing Maverick about meeting their parents while he’s already nervous was 🤣🤣 SHIT Caleb was related to Yuri?? Maverick’s being arrested?!!! You go Nicky beat Cabir/Caleb up 🤬 Nicky’s also being arrested 🙄 these boys!! The boys are collecting evidence to put Yuri away?!! This is all getting interesting everythings coming to the front!! YAY for Val she’s a life safer for those pictures. Loved Jonsie’s surprise for Maverick 🥵🥵 I see bromance in Nicky and Mavericks future ❤️🤣 you go Mama 🔥 Jonsie’s mum was 😘 loved her ❤️ I loved mavericks interaction with Mitch. You go girl Jonsie is such a badass! I hope Daph doesn’t marry Luc :/ the girls are together and the boys are together I’m loving this team bonding ❤️🤣 Nicky and Daph got married before :O he’s defo going to have to grovel and make it up to Daph! Can’t wait to read their book ☺️ on no Caleb’s got Jonsie!! They got him Jonsie you crazy girl what was that!!! Giving my poor Maverick a heart attach! My boys ❤️❤️ I do love them hug it out boys 🥰 his proposal was the best back where they met 5 years ago ❤️ the ending was perfect. They truly deserved their HEA ❤️☺️

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5
🌶️🌶️🌶️.5 3.5/5

•Dark romance
•Morally gray mmc
•Rival gangs
•Feisty fmc
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for freya.
358 reviews2 followers
February 13, 2023
4 ★

"I promise to never run too far. I promise I'll always stop somewhere, waiting for you to catch up."

this is the second book i've read written by Amanda and it was amazing. to be honest, i kind of forgot about what the story was about when i started reading this and decided to go in blind. and i. enjoyed. every. moment. despite having the story progress for many years, i'm glad that we don't get thrown back and forth between two timelines. we get only one timeline at a time, with the past on how the MCs met and got introduced to all the important characters and details of the story, and then the present day four years later. we get to see the growth of all the characters, including the side characters of which some i grew to like while reading on (especially MMC's crew Finn and T).

i literally could not put this book down because of how the story unfolded. there were so many plot twists and hidden identities revealed which i did not see any coming at all. things get a little out of hand between the MCs in the first half of the book and i'm glad things worked out in the second half of the book. they both truly deserved a nice second chance romance. and a possessive and protective morally grey man who doesn't shy away from letting his love interest know how much he loved her constantly? love that sm!

tropes for this book includes: mafia, brother's rival, forbidden romance, enemies-to-lovers, and second chance romance (my fav trope!). please note that this is not a fluffy romance novel. do check trigger warnings before starting this book.

Thank you to the author, Amanda for the ARC. can't wait for Nicky's book next!

"I love you, Mav."
"Till the fucking wheels fall off."
Profile Image for Shelves_by_sim.
271 reviews5 followers
February 25, 2023
Joanna "Jonsie" Hunter is a strong ass female, she speaks her mind and is stubborn as hell. She's also Queen City royalty and a force to be reckoned with. The territories surrounding the city are divided by two rival gangs, three are run by her privileged brother - Nicky, the leader of the Queen City Dukes - and one of them is run by Maverick Bishop - leader of the Renegade Rebels.

Maverick wasn't as lucky as Nicky, he wasn't some rich kid bored with his life dealing drugs to get a kick. No, he had to claw his way up to his throne out of necessity - his main goal, to better Hydetown and then go legit. Maverick and Nicky operate within a treaty, neither gang is allowed to distribute in another's territory.

Jonsie is loyal to Nicky, loves him to a fault. She would never do anything to jeopardize the Dukes. Having been assaulted at a young age, she has also never felt anything for a man since, can't even think about it. But one night, after bumping into Bishop in a club, everything changes.

Jonsie struggles with balancing her loyalty to her brother and her love for Maverick. But this life is dangerous and their love for each other might not be able to withstand the risks.

My thoughts:
Amanda Jones has certainly done it again. Her book, The Gaurdian, turned out to be my favourite read for 2022 and let's just say, this book is even better! It gave Power meets Falls Boys meets After vibes. The violence is hectic, especially when the Russians and Mafia are involved. Nicky and Mav are no stranger to murder. Yet, there was no toxicity between the characters. Nicky was protective over Jonsie but it wasn't controlling. Mav was a fucking angel (or devil - in a good way😉) and the love between them was so solid my heart was constantly in a flutter. The plot was excruciatingly good, I didn't expect any of it! This has been my favorite read so far!!

“I promise to never run too far. I promise I’ll always stop somewhere, waiting for you to catch up.”
Profile Image for Jess Lawrence.
10 reviews
July 25, 2023
I knew from the moment I looked over the playlist I knew this book was going to be good, but I didn’t expect it to blow me out of the water.

Mav & Baby J were exactly what my heart needed in that exact moment and I didn’t even know it. The amount of emotions and feelings this book invoked in me cannot he described in a few simple words. It’s as complex as the relationships J has with every character.

If you’re looking for instant connections between a fierce and independent FMC and a hot as hell, protective alpha male MMC you’ve definitely come to the right book. The past for both main characters hasn’t been easy but they’ve waded through all of the shit and somehow find each other in a world divided between gangs.

I discovered this book on booktok and on a whim gave it a shot… I would gladly give this book more than 5 stars if I was able it was THAT good.

This book was very well written. I didn’t find any grammatical errors. The dialogue was easy to follow and some phrases were very catchy and memorable. As well as the characters, storyline, etc.

I Stop Somewhere Waiting For You was my first book by this author but it is far from the last. I am excited for the author to continue this storyline with Nicky’s book and see what other beautiful masterpieces this author will create.

Immediately putting this author at the top of my must read by list and I recommend you doing the same once you’ve read this book!
Profile Image for Catherine Leigh.
1,269 reviews9 followers
January 4, 2024
absolutely phenomenal

I consumed this book, I was completely mesmerised- couldn’t put it down until the very last perfect word (at 2.30am).
The storyline grabs you and doesn’t let you go. The suspense, mysterious elements and rivalry was utterly perfection.
The characters had depth and my heart broke for them - I honestly was in tears in numerous parts. Other scenes had me on the edge of my chair.
The banter and brutal emotions held me captive. Also admired both Nicky’s and Mac’s protectiveness, it was really beautiful.
The sexual chemistry was off the charts, steamy scenes were hot AF.
Absolutely loved the playlist at the start and then having the links to the particular songs as you read was amazing - absolutely brilliant.
I know it’s only January but I’m calling it - this book will be one of not the best book I read in 2024.
Profile Image for Rachael D. .
40 reviews1 follower
July 21, 2023
Romeo and Juliet vibes? Check! Mafia romance? Check! Crazy twists that keep you up all night until you have every single satisfying answer?! Big ole check! I will always recommend this book to anyone who is looking for an amazing story with characters that are so easy to fall in love with (assuming your favorite shade is morally grey😏)! Ugh my heart is so happy with that ending, but sad that it’s over!!
12 reviews
May 22, 2024
Ummm.... this book was everything I've been missing and wanting in so many other books. Other authors seriously need to take notes. I loved every aspect of this book. The banter, the violence, the smut. It was all on point. The only thing I wish was more was the groveling. I felt that was sped up way to fast. And wish the characters getting back together was longer. Where we saw J fighting more. Because seriously after everything she went through she could of tormented Mav more.
But I love this book. I'm officially a fan of this author and can't wait to read more of her stuff.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Morgan.
7 reviews
September 4, 2023

I absolutely LOVED this book! Every chapter left me begging for more.
Amanda does an amazing job telling Jonsie and Mav’s story. It was a movie playing in my mind the entire time.
And don’t even get me started on the accompanying playlist!! It helped set the vibe and mood as I read!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 89 reviews

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