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Селце в подножието на Везувий, 1944 г.
Ливия Пертини е прочута не само с красотата си, но и с готварските си умения в местната osteria. Тя е щастливо омъжена, но Втората световна война разрушава всичко, което е обичала. Младата жена разбира, че съпругът й е загинал на фронта. Притисната от обстоятелства, трябва да замине и да потърси работа в Неапол. Няма никаква идея какво ще стане с живота й…

Окупираният от силите на съюзниците Неапол, 1944 г.
Капитан Джеймс Гулд пристига в опустошения от бомбардировките град, където процъфтяват черният пазар, венерическите заболявания и корупцията, а момичетата се продават за парче хляб и одеало. Задачата на Гулд е да възстанови реда в града и най-вече – да спре „епидемията“ от бракове на британски войници с местни момичета…

Джеймс Гулд наема Ливия за готвач и много скоро е очарован и изкушен не само от нейните великолепни ястия…

392 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2006

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About the author

Anthony Capella

20 books203 followers
Anthony Capella was born in Uganda, Africa in 1962. He was educated at St Peter’s College, Oxford, where he graduated with a First in English Literature. The Food of Love, his first novel, was a Richard and Judy Summer Read in the UK. It has been translated into nineteen languages and has been optioned for the screen by Warner. His second novel, The Wedding Officer, was an international bestseller and is being made into a film by New Line. His third novel The Various Flavours of Coffee will be released in the second half of 2008.

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Profile Image for Ava Catherine.
151 reviews1 follower
September 5, 2021
In 1944 the British occupy Naples, Italy; however, the generals in London are not concerned with a counterattack by Mussolini's fascists or the German Nazis since the enemy is reeling from the Allied armies' thrusts. The most prominent concern is the fraternization between British officers and young Italian girls, whose men are off fighting in the war or are dead.

Captain James Gould is sent to prevent weddings between the soldiers and the local girls. He is dubbed “The Wedding Officer” by the locals. At first James is quite sincere in his quest to do his job well, but things go awry when Livy Pertini, an excellent cook and war widow, comes to cook for him. Her dishes are unlike anything he has ever tasted, and she is unlike anyone he has ever met. Struggling to control his desires, James realizes what a hypocrisy it is for the Wedding Officer to fall in love with a local Italian woman. But sometimes love is inevitable.

The rest of the book is about the way they resolve the paradox of the Wedding Officer being smitten by an Italian woman, the impact of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 1944, and the effect of the war on their romance.

I love the way the author weaves history, culture, and romance together. It makes the book breathe. Sometimes I wanted to cry for the characters, and sometimes I wanted to laugh with them. It is a marvelous story and so well-written. If you like food, history, and romance, you will certainly like this book.
Profile Image for Caz.
2,910 reviews1,092 followers
May 23, 2024
Review from 2017

I've given this an A- for narration and a B+ for content at AudioGals

Anthony Capella’s The Wedding Officer is an enjoyable and engrossing tale set in wartime Italy, which is told through the eyes of a fish-out-of-water young British officer and the fiery Italian widow with whom he falls in love.

Naples in 1944 is now occupied by the allies, and things aren’t all that much better than they were under the Germans. Food is scarce and people are struggling to survive; there’s a thriving black market on which one can obtain just about anything, and most of the women in the town are forced to prostitute themselves in order to keep body and soul together.

This last thing is regarded by the army as the biggest problem of all; venereal disease is rife and supplies of valuable penicillin are frequently stolen (and then resurface on the black market and have to be re-purchased!) but there are also increasing numbers of British soldiers applying for permission to marry Italian women, most of whom the army big-wigs label as prostitutes and therefore regard as not the sort of women they want accompanying their husbands back to England after the war. Captain James Gould is sent to Naples and given the job of interviewing the would-be brides and is horrified at the lax attitude of his predecessor, who seems only too happy to dine out at restaurants supplied by the black market and to turn a blind eye to many of the less than legal activities going on around him.

James immediately determines to clamp down and stamp out as much of the corruption as he can, so when the townsfolk realise that he is not open to bribes and is going to play by the rules, they decide something needs to be done. While James’ intentions are good, he is making already difficult lives even harder, and in an attempt to loosen him up, the town leaders concoct a scheme whereby he engages Signora Livia Pertini as his cook; not only is she a beautiful woman, she’s an incredible cook and a stomach regularly full of wonderful food is sure to have the desired effect.

“A man can be sleeping with the most beautiful woman in the world, but when he gets up from her bed he’s still exactly the same person he was before. But a man who has eaten well – he’s at peace with the world, he’s happy, and more importantly, he wants other people to be happy.”

Livia comes from a small town in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, and learned to cook pretty much as she learned to walk. She worked in her father’s small restaurant before she met and married a young Italian soldier and moved to the city to live with his family, but when the family home is bombed she moves back to live with her father and sister for a while. Times are incredibly hard, so when she is offered the chance to support herself by moving to Naples to cook for the officers there, she takes it.

It’s not long before Livia’s sumptuous cooking starts to distract James from his hard-line attitude, but it would be wrong to say that his change of heart is down solely to Livia’s culinary skills. He has also begun to understand the stark reality of people’s lives and to see that not everything is as black and white as he had believed it to be. He’s drawn to Livia’s intelligence and spirit and as he starts to fall in love with her, can’t help but see the irony of the fact of “The Wedding Officer”, wanting to marry an Italian girl himself.

The story is a very well written variation on the “local meets uptight interloper” trope and is divided into four parts, with the last being the most sombre and chilling. It’s obvious that Anthony Capella has thoroughly researched the historical background and knows a lot about Italian food and cooking! – and the book is written with an incredibly light touch and a lot of wry and engaging humour. But this is wartime, and there are moments of horror and heartbreak, too, and both sides perpetrate acts of atrocity which left me reeling. The central characters are nicely rounded-out and three-dimensional, and the author’s descriptions of the dishes Livia cooks are absolutely mouth-watering.

The Wedding Officer is a terrific blend of historical fiction, romance and food-porn (!) and I enjoyed it very much, although the last section – which sees James and Livia torn apart thanks to the machinations of the novel’s baddie, a local big-wig with (implied) Mafia connections – is perhaps a little too melodramatic for my taste. That said, it’s undeniably a good bit of storytelling and certainly serves to ramp up the tension as we head for the finale.

I’ve only listened to Daniel Philpott once or twice before, but his name as narrator on this book was enough to interest me in listening to it. I loved his performance in Georgette Heyer’s  The Unknown Ajax , and his narration here is excellent on every level. James is clear-voiced and sounds exactly like the naïve, fresh-faced young officer he is, and Mr. Philpott adopts and sustains a lilting, Italianate accent for Livia throughout, and is equally adept at portraying the other Italians in the story – Livia’s father, the canny Angelo, the sleazebag Alberto and the various other supporting players who drift in and out. He does a great job differentiating between James and the various British officers, and while his American accent is a bit dodgy, he carries it off fairly well in his portrayals of James’ colleague, Eric and the few other American soldiers who appear in the story.

If you enjoy romantic historical fiction, then I’m sure The Wedding Officer will appeal, although if you’re looking for something in which the romance predominates (James and Livia don’t actually meet until almost half-way through), this might not be the book for you. But at the time I picked it up, I’d wanted to listen to something a bit different to my usual fare and it didn’t disappoint.
Profile Image for Helvry Sinaga.
103 reviews26 followers
May 25, 2011
Sembari membaca novel ini (sekitar Juni 2009), saya berkenalan dengan seorang tentara yang sudah berdinas lama di kesatuan TNI. Niatnya yang memang benar-benar kepingin masuk tentara, dibuktikannya dengan mengikuti seleksi masuk menjadi tentara sampai enam kali! Baginya, menjadi tentara adalah keinginan terbesarnya dari kecil. Ia sangat mensyukurinya, dari tamtama hingga perwira, ia sangat menikmati profesi sebagai tentara.

Ketika profesi menjadi sesuatu yang menyenangkan, tentu tidak sulit menjalaninya. Hari-hari terasa lebih memenuhi hobi dibandingkan memenuhi panggilan tugas. Kapten James Gould, seorang perwira Inggris, ditugasi sebagai Pejabat Pernikahan di Naples, Itali. Ia menggantikan Jackson, pejabat sebelumnya, yang dipindahkan ke tempat lain. sebenarnya, kemampuan akan bahasalah yang membuat ia diterima di Field Security Service, yaitu korps intelijen pasukan sekutu yang sedang bertugas di Italia. Kemudian ia mendalami bahasa Italia, dan akhirnya ia ditempatkan disana. Sebagai perwira intelijen, ia membuat laporan-laporan atas informasi yang diterimanya. Atasannya, Mayor Heathcote sangat mengandalkannya. Karena kemampuan bahasa Italianya sangat bagus dibanding lainnya, ia ditugasi sebagai pejabat pernikahan (Wedding Officer).

Tugasnya sebagai pejabat pernikahan di Napoli adalah memastikan perempuan yang akan menikah dengan tentara Inggris adalah bukan perempuan Italia. Dalam kesulitan, kebanyakan wanita di Napoli hanya bisa menemukan satu cara untuk membuat hidup: dengan menjual tubuh mereka. Perintah komandannya jelas: Tidak boleh tentara menikahi pelacur! Tidak boleh berarti tidak ada kompromi. Hitam atau putih, ya atau tidak. Namun Gould menemukan bahwa kebenaran, keadilan, tidak serta merta karena perintah komandan, adakalanya di daerah abu-abu.

Pertemuannya dengan Livia, seorang perempuan Napoli yang pintar memasak masakan Italia. Dalam novel ini ada berbagai macam masakan Italia. Sebenarnya, sisi Wedding Officer-nya sama proporsinya dengan masakan Italia yang bahkan sangat-sangat detil dibuat oleh Livia untuk James Gould dan kawan-kawan.

Novel ini cukup bagus karena dengan detil menceritakan kondisi perang dunia II di Napoli beserta dengan kondisi-kondisi sosialnya. Kehidupan yang memprihatinkan, dimana orang-orang berjuang untuk hidup. Korupsi dan penjualan penisilin gelap memperkaya orang-orang tertentu. Sementara yang tidak mampu, tinggal menunggu kematian. Namun, akhir cerita ini yang menurut saya membuat 'rusak' suasana cerita yang sudah dibangun bagus dari awal. Secara umum, masih layak baca, cuma penerbit sebaiknya memberi peringatan "awas buku dewasa."

Anthony Capella menuliskan novel ini berdasarkan pekerjaan yang dilakukannya bersama Jamie Oliver, seorang chef muda berkebangsaan Inggris. Jamie memperkenalkan pada Anthony berbagai masakan Italia, terutama masakan Naples/Napoli, sebuah wilayah yang berada di Italia Selatan. Keseluruhan ide jalan cerita ini adalah sepasang buku yang ditemukan oleh Anthony ketika datang ke Napoli. Buku pertama adalah Naples '44 ditulis oleh Penulis traveling berkebangsaan Inggris, Norman Lewis. Pada masa itu (1944), Sekutu menduduki Italia, ia ditugaskan sebagai pejabat investigasi muda. Ia bertugas selama tiga tahun (1942-1945) di Afrika Utara dan Italia.

Buku Harian Norman tersebut menceritakan akibat perang yang diderita oleh rakyat Naples. Dimana-mana terjadi kesusahan hidup, kemelaratan, berbagai cara digunakan untuk tetap bertahan hidup. Prostitusi dimana-mana. Dari dekat ia menyaksikan bahwa karakter perang yang dielu-elukan oleh Sekutu ternyata tidaklah heroik dan humanis. Saya malah lebih tertarik untuk membaca buku setebal 192 halaman ini. Norman Lewis juga pernah mengunjungi Indonesia, dan menulis pengalaman perjalanannya pada buku An Empire of the East: Travels in Indonesia.

Napoli adalah kota yang indah, Gunung Vesuvius yang menawan menambah keindahan kota itu, lihat pada gambar berikut.
[image error]

[image error]

Bayangkan ketika Gunung Vesuvius yang meletus pada 1944, terlihat pada gambar berikut. Suasananya mencekam.

Sedangkan buku kedua ialah Sophia Loren: Living and Loving and Sophia Loren's Recipes and Memories. Sophia Loren berusia tujuh tahun ketika pecah perang dunia II tersebut, dan ia pernah tinggal bersama neneknya di Pozzuoli, Napoli. Menghadapi masa-masa sulit perang, Ketika pasukan sekutu menduduki Napoli, neneknya membuka tempat hiburan di ruang rumah mereka. Tempat mereka menjadi ramai oleh kedatangan pasukan dari Amerika. Loren bertugas mencuci piring, sementara saudaranya menyanyi dan bermain piano. Dalam buku ini Loren juga menuliskan bagaimana masa kecilnya sebagai Neapolitan dan karirnya dalam dunia film.

Novel-novel karya Anthony Capella lainnya hampir semua ada unsur sejarahnya. Karyanya yang terakhir The Empress of Ice Cream, berlatar belakang abad 17 di Inggris dan Prancis. Novel The Various Flavours of Coffee, berlatar belakang Afrika pada awal abad 20. Lulusan Oxford University bidang studi English Literature ini, selain suka traveling, ia suka kuliner, karena itu tak heran setiap novelnya selalu berhubungan dengan makanan.

Memang, tempat-tempat menarik, sebaiknya diceritakan dengan lengkap. Kotanya, orangnya, makanannya, dan tentu saja foto-fotonya. Cuma, mau tak mau saya jadi penasaran dengan bukunya Norman Lewis tentang Indonesia.


Profile Image for Joel Gilbert.
49 reviews
January 31, 2009
My most recommended book for 2008. Fans of many genres will enjoy this example of great story-telling and rich characters. So, when you someone asks "What is this book about?" - I respond "Well, what is not about!?" (Okay, so I won't regurgitate the synopsis in which much more experience reviewers have taken such great care).

This book has almost everything. Passion, food, characters, passion for food, passion for others! Reading this book took me back to Napoli (I had the pleasure of visiting two years ago) at another time.

I have always been a "war-buff" - but the history, while accurate for period fiction, is only a backdrop for an amazing tale.

The connection of Italian cooking (with wartime rationing and a country flavor) to human relationships (emotional and yes, physical - try to eat escargot ever again with out laughing out loud!) is astounding.

This is a great one for couples to share

The middle of book did slowdown slightly for me, and the ending seemed a bit hurried, but this book still earned a place on my ATF shelf (All-Time Favorites).
679 reviews145 followers
November 18, 2021
I expected this to be a romance novel, but it turned out to be much more than that. Capella tells a beautiful story of love, separation and heart break during the difficult times of WW2 and Vesuvius erupting in 1944. And all the references to food was delicious.
38 reviews
April 5, 2013
The premise gave way to the feeling that this would be a good read, but the actuality fell short. The majority of the book was interesting a bit long winded in places but enjoyable is a light not much thought way. But the last quarter of the book let it down. It felt as though well what else can be chuck at the plot, the author had at his fingertips lots of factual information for this period of Italian history well lets use it even if it doesn't do much to enhance the story, because it didn't the whole plot began to fall apart and lost any credability that was there.
Profile Image for Book Concierge.
2,928 reviews365 followers
September 10, 2016
Captain James Gould is a young British intelligence officer during World War II. He arrives in Naples to take over as “the Wedding Officer” – assigned to discourage marriages between British soldiers and Italian girls. He is young, somewhat innocent, and determined to follow all regulations to the letter. He seems to be succeeding when a young widow arrives as the new Officers’ Mess Cook. Livia Pertini has always cooked in her family’s restaurant/bar in the small village on Mount Vesuvius. Her fiery personality and sumptuous feasts soon distract James from his orders.

This is a delicious novel that begins as a romantic comedy but moves on to give the reader a lesson on the history of the area in 1944. Capella writes with humor and pathos in describing the war-time experiences of the citizens and soldiers trying to survive not only a war but a volcano’s eruption. Capella wrote about real events in and around Naples in 1944, and I’m glad he included the grittier scenes of chaos and destruction. But where he really excels is in writing about the sights, sounds, smells, textures and tastes of the cuisine, and the effects of those scrumptious meals on the human spirit. For example:

He felt a sudden sense that nothing would be the same again. Eve in her garden had bitten an apple. James had eaten an oyster, sitting outside a tiny restaurant overlooking the sea by Sorrento. His undernourished heart swelled in the Italian sunshine like a ripening fig, and he laughed out loud. With a great flood of gratitude he realized that he was having the time of his life.

I was completely caught up in the story from beginning to end. I think I must have gained 10 pounds just reading about the food! It certainly made my mouth water.
Profile Image for Rachel Aranda.
911 reviews2,293 followers
November 20, 2017
After reading a summary like the one above how could a person not be tempted to read this book. Even the cover intrigued me. Until this book I had never read a book by Anthony Capella, and was astounded by the way he describes in mouthwatering detail, the preparation, cooking and eating of traditional Italian food, as he lays out the plot of the story. There aren't many books written in Italy during World War II that isn't based on the Holocaust. This book is deceiving as it looks like a book made for foodies, and it is, but it is also incredibly informative. I had no idea that Mount Vesuvius erupted towards the end of the 2nd World War or how close the volcano is to Naples. I also learned a great deal about Italy during World War II that I never knew before.

Mr. Capella builds the world of Italy, especially Florence and the small towns surrounding Mount Vesuvius, and the food that all these lucky residents get to eat. The descriptions were beautiful, and I haven't been this drawn into a world since George Orwell's 1984. Most of this book is slow-paced, which made it hard for me to pick up the book at times. Still it wasn't a deterrent for me to continue reading but I can see how why some other readers rated this book low. For me, the magnetism of the two main characters, James and Livia, drives the plot along as does the war and everything that happens to them as a result of it.It took a little while for me to get into this book, just as it took a little while for the main character, James Gould, to really get into the character of Italy. But my patience was rewarded and one day it just clicked, and I really got into it and all this great stuff happened and the plot really took off and after I really enjoyed reading it. Overall, the book is an enjoyable read, but the last few chapters went off at a bit of a tangent that I could have done without. They seemed a bit contrived compared to the rest of the book.

Honestly, I might buy my own copy of this book for the descriptions alone, but it will be a long time before I consider rereading. I'd even consider buying the audiobook version if it ever comes out. With both negative and positive aspects to the story, it was incredibly difficult for me to figure out a rating for this book and it might be that way for most readers. Still if you’re in the mood for a lighthearted and entertaining read that doesn't strain the mind or challenge you very much, then this book serves the purpose well.
Profile Image for Kate.
29 reviews34 followers
August 4, 2007
Anthony Capella - The Wedding Officer (Sphere, London, 2007)

This is the first of my summer reads, and what a summer read it is!

The setting is the Bay of Naples, 1944. Naples has been occupied by the Allies, and the ongoing rationing makes it hard for the people to survive. Restaurants have been shut down, but operate officially, and one can get hold of almost anything on the black market. Most of the women of Naples are forced to prostitute themselves to soldiers in order to support themselves, and some fall in love with them.

This is where one of the protagonists come in, Captain James Gould, the Wedding Officer of the title. It is James's job to interview women who want to marry Allied officers, to make sure they're not prostitutes. The weddings are discouraged by James's superiors, and he agrees with this way of thinking, also trying to shut down the black market and get rid of corruption within the military and Neapolitans.

Meanwhile, in a small village on Vesuvius, Livia Pertini works in her father's restaurant. She has learnt to cook as she has learnt to speak and walk, and is known for her cooking even more than her beauty. She meets, falls in love with and marries an Italian officer, but when the war brings tragedy, she must support herself.

Eventually, she is forced to take a job at the Allied base in Naples, cooking for the officers. With this comes love, friendship and immense changes.

There are a few key factors to this novel: love, food, sex, and Italy, each playing off one another beautifully. The food is described in such a way that you will want to eat nothing but pasta as long as you are reading the novel. The sex manages to be not only sexy, but also poignant and funny, an irresistable combination. The Italian backdrop practically jumps off the page, and every part of Naples and the surrounding area feeds into the story, and provides brilliant plot points as well as settings.

The love story is a twist on an old staple, that of an officer and a local.

Twists to the story are well plotted, sometimes not completely surprising but the dramatic irony is half the fun of it.

By far the best thing about this novel is the fun of reading it now that summer is rolling in. I definitely recommend it if you're looking for a funny, sexy, sumptuous summer read.
3,015 reviews39 followers
April 26, 2009
On loan from Alex. Had read and loved The Food of Love by this author, and am quite caught up in this one as well!

Half way through I was talking to a friend and said it reminded me a lot of Captain Corelli's Mandolin. After finishing the book, I read all the little tidbits, kind of licking the plate, so to speak, and saw that on the back cover they make the comparison too. So I'm not very original but I do agree. What a great book. Frequently I was laughing out loud, or close to tears, or angry, or... the descriptions are wonderfully funny, the writing is great...
Of course with the setting in Italy WWII it was impossible not to think of Kaputt by Curzio Malaparte as well. Some of the surrealism in that book which it seems was reality -- such as sending the infected prostitutes into German occupied areas, or the food scenes with Alberto only hinted at -- were reminiscent of that, but not in the same bleak way.
I've already ordered this book as a birthday present for a good friend of mine and now have to decide whether to buy my own copy. Excellent read, I'm very grateful to Alex for the loan!
Profile Image for Kate Quinn.
Author 27 books28.5k followers
July 21, 2010
Another enchanting read from Anthony Capella, filled with good food, great scenery, and marvelous characters. James Gould is your typical upright and well-behaved Englishman, stationed in a small town near Naples during World War II and stuck with a difficult job: discouraging soldiers from marrying their Italian girlfriends. Even more difficult when he starts falling in love with an Italian girl himself: Livia, the pretty and prickly barracks cook who eventually introduces James to Italian food and the various gradations of having sex while technically remaining a virgin. There are sobering third-act twists when James goes off to fight and Livia is deported, but overall humor abounds - as in the moment when Livia is informed that the British don't eat garlic, and a tired-out American soldier tries to figure out the proper Italian so he can tell his girlfriend "Sorry, but I can't go five times." This is a book that will have you vowing to move to Italy, or at least eat a lot of pasta.
Profile Image for Michelle.
26 reviews29 followers
October 15, 2008
I thought this book was just beautiful. I would read every word Anthony Capella ever wrote. I wonder if he can cook like he can write about cooking and food? I'd bet money that he can. He does things with food and sex and love all together that I just wouldn't think possible. I will never think of peas and snails in the same way again, that's for sure! But so lovely, so tastefully done. (Pun not intended!) For me this is the Holy Trinity, a beautifully written book about food, and romance, with a little something I didn't know before I read it mixed in.

"At the end of the day, sex is only sex. A man can be sleeping with the most beautiful woman in the world, but when he gets up from her bad he's still exactly the same person he was before. But a man who has eaten well-he's at peace with the world, he's happy, and more importantly, he wants other people to be happy."
Profile Image for Jeri.
517 reviews
April 27, 2018
While I certainly liked parts of the book (the food) at times the main characters were not very easy to like. They were rude and at times seemingly ungrateful- during war, tragedies, and atrocities. The book was predictable at times and then it was "what the f*ck just happened" too .... The ending (epilogue) was satisfying.
Profile Image for Abc.
1,007 reviews105 followers
April 9, 2018
Gli assegno 3 stelline e mezza.
Mi piacciono i romanzi storici, soprattutto quelli ambientati durante la seconda guerra mondiale e questo ha un ulteriore pregio, quello di essere anche scritto con leggerezza, con una punta di humor che rallegra piacevolmente la lettura.
Mi è piaciuto molto il personaggio di James e l'evoluzione che compie nel corso della narrazione. All'inizio è irreprensibile, ligio alle regole e piuttosto moralista. Poi impara a fare i conti con la realtà della guerra e capisce che le regole hanno bisogno di un certo adattamento.
Anche Livia è un bel personaggio. Determinata, coraggiosa, scaltra quanto basta.
Ho apprezzato anche i continui riferimenti culinari che spesso mi hanno fatto venire l'acquolina in bocca.
Mi è piaciuta meno la parte in cui si sviluppa il rapporto intimo fra Livia e James. I continui doppi sensi culinari/erotici dopo un po' mi hanno stufata. Li ho trovati ripetitivi ed eccessivi.
In ogni caso è una lettura che mi lascia un buon ricordo, anche per il modo in cui viene presentata la città di Napoli, soprattutto considerando il fatto che l'autore non è italiano.
Profile Image for Bunga Mawar.
1,274 reviews43 followers
January 9, 2009
Bukunya tebal, 568 halaman. Tidak heran kalau ceritanya boleh belok-belok. Dari judul dan sampul depannya sudah jelas ya, kalau ini buku roman. Dan memang iya. Maunya pasti romantis, karena setting-nya di Italia, masa Perang Dunia II pula.

Yuk, lihat ceritanya. Ada gadis desa yang pintar masak yang tinggal di lereng Gunung Vesuvius. Namanya Livia. Ia bertemu dan menikah dengan prajurit muda bernama Enzo, yang kemudian mati dalam perang melawan Sekutu di Rusia. Italia pun diduduki Sekutu, pahit getir dialami keluarga Livia sebelum dia bertemu Kapten James Gould di Napoli.

James punya tugas resmi untuk tidak merestui secara administratif pernikahan antara gadis-gadis Italia yang kebanyakan bukan "gadis baik-baik" dengan tentara Sekutu. Ini standar ganda Sekutu. Di satu sisi, para prajurit yang butuh pelampiasan nafsu bisa saja berhubungan dengan pelacur (walau secara hukum dianggap ilegal). Di sisi lain, para komandan tentara tidak mau kalau anak buah mereka terbebani dengan kekasih dengan latar belakang kotor yang meminta dinikahi dan nantinya ikut pulang ke kampung asal para suami.

Bertugas dengan pandangan "lurus", James membuat sebal gadis-gadis Italia yang berharap bisa segera menjadi perempuan yang berstatus legal dan bersih. Bertemu Livia yang menjadi juru masak di kantornya mengobati sakit hati James akibat diputuskan oleh pacarnya di Inggris, sekaligus menimbulkan dilema dalam tugasnya. Dia dan Livia saling jatuh cinta tapi jabatan James tidak memungkinkan hubungan itu dibuka untuk konsumsi umum.

Buku dengan latar perang yang terjadi berpuluh tahun silam ini, di tempat jauh pula memang memperkenalkan berbagai fakta yang belum saya ketahui sebelumnya. Misalnya adanya taktik Sekutu yang dipraktikkan di Perancis untuk memasok perempuan-perempuan yang tertular sifilis akibat pergaulan dengan sekian banyak serdadu ke wilayah yang masih diduduki Jerman dengan harapan menyebarkan penyakit itu kepada para tentara Hitler. Saya juga baru tahu masih ada jenis keju Italia selain mozarella yang "kelihatannya" begitu yummy. Juga bahwa pada tahun 1940 ada buku Inggris berjudul Married Love karangan Dr Marie Stopes yang berhasil terjual satu juta eksemplar.

Capella menebalkan buku ini selain dengan adegan masak-memasak gaya Italia yang menerbitkan rasa lapar, juga dengan menempatkan banyak cabang dalam kisah cinta Livia dan James. Misalnya sikap santun James yang khas Inggris tadinya sempat dianggap Livia sebagai indikator bahwa James adalah seorang homoseksual. Ada juga selipan Eric Vincenzo, sejawat James dari Amerika Serikat yang mencoba menggoda Livia. Lalu kutipan sampai lima halaman (!) dari buku laris Married Love yang muncul dari kenangan James. Takhayul orang Italia yang kental dan kepercayaan pada relik suci yang melebihi kepercayaan pada ajaran agama. Bahkan doktrin anti-komunis Amerika sampai dibawa-bawa juga di sini. Walau sedikit, kelihatan bahwa Capella berharap ada keterangan bagi pembaca bahwa : "Hey, dalam roman ini juga ada teori konspirasinya, lho."

Sayangnya teori konspirasi ini harus kalah dengan heroisme yang dipaksakan. Harusnya penceritaan letusan Vesuvius bisa menjadi kisah mengharukan di mana kepentingan orang banyak bisa mengalahkan cinta pribadi. Tindakan James selama evakuasi memang mengangkatnya jadi jagoan, tapi kehadiran sekonyong-konyong para prajurit Sekutu yang membantu pembangunan kembali osteria keluarga Livia karena berhutang budi pada James terasa berlebihan. Paling konyol buat saya adalah terlibatnya Livia dan James sebagai pasukan gerilyawan komunis melawan kaum fasis di pegunungan. Bagaimana Livia bisa bergabung dan bertahan di sana adalah tahapan keajaiban, tapi kedatangan James kemudian benar-benar jadi sebuah hal yang tidak kreatif. Sama tidak kreatifnya dengan akhir cerita, epilog yang begitu Hollywood Style.

Sebagai roman, buku ini sebenarnya bisa mengakhiri misi tanpa teori konspirasi yang akhirnya tidak terpakai. Adegan antara Livia dan James menjadikan buku ini macam cerita Harlequin. Apalagi sepanjang buku, dua tokoh utama kok ya tidak ada cacatnya. Kalau Livia dan James bagai jagoan, pada peran antagonis macam Alberto Spenza yang (maaf) bangsatnya keterlaluan pembaca juga tidak bisa marah. Kenapa ya? Sambil bertanya-tanya sendiri, saya menyimpulkan bahwa ini karena Capella juga tidak membuat Livia dan James memarahinya. Eh, mereka marah ding, tapi sebatas itu saja. Mangkel tapi tidak bisa bertindak lebih jauh.

Tapi membaca Ucapan Terima Kasih dari Capella di bagian belakang, maklum juga sih. Capella rupanya banyak punya bahan untuk menyusun kisah sang Pejabat Pernikahan ini. Dia berusaha memasukkan fakta kekejaman perang yang dilakukan tidak hanya secara fisik tapi juga politis, hal yang membuat buku ini terlalu berat tapi tidak emosional sebagai sebuah kisah cinta.

Keheranan saya muncul pada penerbit, GPU. Tidak ada pelabelan kategori buku ini di atas kotak barcode, padahal pencantuman "Novel Dewasa" (yang layak untuk buku ini) sudah banyak dijumpai pada buku-buku lain penerbit ini pada tahun terakhir. Satu lagi, sedikit tentang typo. Sepanjang isi cerita, kota Napoli tidak ditulis sebagai "Naples", sedangkan dua kali di sampul belakang disebut "Naples".

Hey, sampul belakang, lho.

Bintang saya untuk buku ini: 2.5.
Profile Image for Samir Mahmić.
4 reviews
December 29, 2022
Roman o ljubavi, ratu, kuhanju, vulkanu, zivotu, tradiciji, sitnicama i obicnom covjeku. Nakon svakog poglavlja javi se zelje za brzim odlaskom u Italiju kako bi se uzivalo u njihovoj kuhinji, pa cak i skromnoj ratnoj iz 40tih godina.
Profile Image for Jennuineglass.
68 reviews10 followers
July 9, 2012
As a lover of "foodie" books I was quite excited to fall into the pages of this summer reading book and devour its sumptuous banquet of characters, sex, war and general homage to the five senses.

It was sold as a cross between Captain Corelli's Mandolin and Chocolat...and lives up to neither book. Like a plain child of two beautiful adults, this book was fine. Adequate. Would hold you over if there was nothing else...but it was not transportive or particularly rich in any of the measures of literary depth. The characters were there, the geography inspiring, the plot (war! volcanos! love!) promising, the recipe for 400+ pages of entertainment should have worked. The opening chapters were engaging as the main character, Livia, prepares an afternoon feast for her osteria and the military stranger shows up in town. But then it stopped developing, or I stopped caring. The book felt like a soufflé that starts to rise but doesn't fully puff out and reach its full crowned glory.

That is not to say that there weren't chapters that were delightful, there was a stretch of about 100 pages in the middle of the book that were spot on and I tore through them. But then Mr. Capella lost his focus and we blundered about in "No matter what I will find you!" Last of the Mohican's style, only instead of Native Americans, it was Italian partisan Socialists who were backdoor allies during the war.

There were a few delightful turns of phrase that I lingered on before turning the page. But on the whole Mr. Capella didn't enthrall me with his novel, but I finished it.

So for lovers of Babette's Feast, Como Agua Para Chocolate and Chocolat...I would say leave this book in your queue with a low priority. For everyone else don't bother.

Profile Image for Sammie.
67 reviews2 followers
December 19, 2011
After reading the synopsis on the back of the book, I was quite excited to read it; however, I walked away a little disappointed.

Set in WWII, it begins with Livia Pertini, living in a town on Mt Vesuvius. She is a cook at her family osteria, which is like a tavern of sorts. It later introduces Cpt. James Gould, a British officer. It is Gould's job to prevent the soldiers from marrying Italian women.

The book started off quite slow for me. Since I am an avid reader, I will read the first few chapters just to give the book a chance. I muddled through it and saw the book to the end simply because I was curious.

It seems that Capella frequently gets distracted in description of war-time occurances or descriptions of how it was during WWII. I found much of it uninteresting. I am sad to say that there were certain parts that I skimmed.

Additionally, I found the main character, Livia Pertini so bull-headed and stubborn, that I found it unattractive. This is a lot coming from someone as stubborn as myself! It wasn't a charming stubbornness or bull-headedness. It was off-putting. If I met this woman in real life, I would most likely tell her to shut up.

One amazing plus in throughout the entire book was Capella's description of food. I could smell the aromas, taste the fettuccini. It felt like I was sitting in the kitchen with Livia (in silence of course because remember: I don't like her personality)

Overall, it was an okay book, but this is not one I will add to my collection. Perhaps Livia and James can charm someone from the shelves at the local Goodwill Store.
Profile Image for Mila.
712 reviews34 followers
January 7, 2016
Wedding Officer. Who knew there was such a job? Duties include deciding if it's OK for a British soldier to marry his Italian sweetheart by conducting interviews with the girls as a way to determine their "character". It was interesting to learn something new about WWII. I also enjoyed the food that was described so well, I could almost taste it. I'd love to go to Livia's restaurant at the foot of Vesuvius right now for some "burrata, creamy balls of mozzarella wrapped in asphodel leaves, made with milk from a pet water buffalo, whose lowing floats occasionally across the fence from their tiny pasture next door."

Ironically though, the words that brought me to tears were describing a very poor soup.
"But there is a ritual to this meal, as there has been every year since the war ended. As the guests bring their glasses of sparkling prosecco to the table, they are served first of all with bowls of a thin, insubstantial soup. It is little more than pasta water, containing a few humble beans and flavoured with a little mutton fat, and it is, frankly, not very pleasant. The younger members of the group - those who are not old enough to remember the war themselves - make faces, and push it away after one or two mouthfuls. But the older ones eat it slowly and in silence, a faraway expression in their eyes as the taste transports them to another time."
Profile Image for Nina Draganova.
1,068 reviews63 followers
March 13, 2017
Уао! Абсолютно откровение и пир за сетивата !
Започва като романтична комедия, на места накарала ме да се смея с глас.
Минава през съвършено описание на усещания и ухания и вкусове от превъзходната италианска кухня. Последвани от чувствени любовни такива.
За да стигне до мрачния край на Втората световна война и всички съпътстващи я ужаси.
Изненадана съм , удовлетворена и много радостна да открия таланта на Антъни Капела. И за пореден път се убеждавам, че подценяването е мой специалитет. Т.е представях си неговите книги,предимно описващи разни манджи. Е, разгеле , че все пак опитах.

"Понякога няма значение какво желаеш или не желаеш да чувстваш.Понякога сърцето взима свои собствени решения и единственото,което ти остава, е да прецениш дали да го оставиш да те води."

" - Мислех си, че ако на този свят не съществуваха тестиси,нямаше да има война, но също така нямаше да има и секс.Чудех се дали Господ е взел правилното решение,когато ги е създал."

Profile Image for Isabel.
313 reviews43 followers
August 20, 2015
Na tradição de "Receitas de amor", "Noivas de guerra" tem como cenário uma Itália com a II Guerra Mundial como pano de fundo. É um livro ligeiro, muito condimentado, algo cinematográfico, onde pairam menções a receitas e pratos tradicionais italianos, que nos despertam (invariavelmente) o paladar, com a satisfação de umas boas gargalhadas pelo meio! O enredo não é algo que já não se possa ter lido, mas não deixa de ser uma história fluída e romântica, abordando a necessidade de sobrevivência por parte das mulheres italianas durante flagelo que foi a IIGM.
Uma boa aposta para leitura de férias.
64 reviews2 followers
March 9, 2021
What a brilliant and evocative novel. I was drawn to it for the food and certainly for any lover of the localness of Italian food this is a wonderful descriptive book. The way he describes recipes, flavours, the act of eating, the cooking process is sublime. The story is also compelling and races along. It’s a lot less frothy than I expected and events take many serious turns of fortune and misfortune. Having lived in Rome and been a regular visitor to Naples just added to the atmosphere he creates. Bravo.
Profile Image for Powells.com.
182 reviews238 followers
November 25, 2008
Delicious food prepared by a beautiful woman: What man could resist? It may be Captain Gould's job to discourage marriage between wartime soldiers and their gorgeous Italian girlfriends, but when Livia Pertini is hired as the soldiers' cook, the rules seem to fly out the window. This is a beautiful novel filled with love, laughter, and sumptuous dishes.
Recommended by Linda, Powells.com
Profile Image for Giulia Romiti.
44 reviews3 followers
August 29, 2016
Ben scritto, la narrazione si dilata un po' troppo nella parte centrale ma gli ultimi capitoli si leggono tutti d'un fiato! L'idea di inserire elementi culinari a "contorno" della storia di Livia e del suo Paese non è particolarmente innovativa ma contribuisce a far addentrare maggiormente il lettore nello scenario sociale dell'epoca.
Profile Image for Vera.
109 reviews3 followers
June 21, 2018
What an unexpected wondrous story!

When I picked up this novel, in a second-hand store in Scotland, I was not expecting this 1£ book would become a new favourite of mine. Allow me to set the scene: It's 1943 and the beautiful Italy is raged by WII. The Wedding Officer follows the life of a sparky and lively young woman, Livia, and a young and well-mannered English officer, James. The couple struggle against the challenges of the Italian wartime and war effort, and this historical fiction combines love and passion, sorrow and pain, and the beauty of culinary arts that Livia excels.

Magic of threes for this magical book:

1. Entertaining and Fun

I began reading this book out loud to my sister and already during the first few pages, we were both cracking up. The character dynamics within this story, especially between Livia and James, are humorous and witty and characterised by an vast variety of differences in temperaments and personalities. I loved how Livia and James contrast in their policies and engagements, and yet the couple finds balance and agreement together. Each character proposes new conflicts and new possibilities that are entertaining and amusing to read. If you're looking for a good laugh, pick up this novel!

2. Wonderful Characters

One of the greatest elements of this novel are its characters. From Livia's fiery personality to Angelo's resourcefulness, each personality adds depth to the story and purposes thrilling new plot developments. Each character has their own motives and passions allowing the story of Livia and James to encounter and intertwine with a variety of interesting subplots and characters. Also, the antagonists and conflicts of the novel are realistic and well-written. For instance, Alberto Spenza, a corrupt man with a desire to attract and marry Livia, offers unique struggles to the protagonists and presents brilliant cruelty of a villain.

3. Insightful and Educating

Personally, this novel is one of the first novels I have read that takes place during WII in Italy. I enjoyed gaining an entertaining and insightful history lesson of the events of 1943 and 1944, especially the eruption of Vesuvius and the cooperation of the Allies in Italy. Capella's novel manages to bring forth interesting perspectives of the war, such as the increasing prostitution and relations between Italian women and Allied soldiers, without feeling like a tiresome lecture. Furthermore, Capella's writing adopts a smooth flow with a satisfying balance between narration, dialogue, and description. I especially adored Livia's witty and wicked metaphors she used while cooking and baking that were well crafted and thought-out.

Overall, I recommend this novel to all, especially readers looking for a balanced read between serious and playful. This one is for you!

I am so lucky to have found this novel. It's not every day such a pearl is found for just 1£ at a second-hand store.
December 14, 2012
Ahh..pastinya ini lebih bagus daripada kisah Tomasso di Food of Love..konfliknya unik.. dari kisah cinta, kisah kemanusiaan dibalik perang dunia ke-2, masalah birokrasi sampai kejadian/bencana alam masuk juga didalamnya..dan tentu saja kuliner Italia Selatan..Neopolitan.. yang mmhh..yummy..yummy.. :)

Kisah dibuka ketika Livia Pertini, juru masak osteria disebuah desa yang bernama Fiscino..bertemu dengan tentara Italia (posisi Italia adalah sekutu Jerman) yang tengah bersiap untuk melakukan pertempuran ke Rusia..Enzo nama tentara Italia itu (lupa nama belakangnya..tampan pastinya..coba bayangkan Pato..kenapa Pato ya? Padahal kan bukan orang Italia..??! karena kupikir Enzo mirip Alexandre Pato #maksa ;p ), kisah cinta mereka yang super kilat..mereka menikah dan tanpa terasa Enzo pun berangkat ke medan peperangan..meninggalkan Livia. Setelah beberapa lama, terhembus kabar bahwa Enzo telah tewas dimedan peperangan. :”( pasca kematian Enzo.. hal buruk terus menimpa Livia, mulai dari posisi Italia yang direbut oleh tentara sekutu, kematian sapi betina kesayangannya; Pupetta..
dari Pupetta-lah dan juga Pricilla (sapi betinanya yang lain) osteria kecil ini dapat menghasilkan Mozarella segar..”saking segarnya sampai-sampai kita masih bisa merasakan rumput yang dimakan kedua sapiku ini”..begitu kata Livia untuk mendeskripsikan lezatnya Mozarella buatannya sendiri..

..Pupetta mati akibat tembakan senapan oleh tentara sekutu, mereka (tentara sekutu) mengerat paha dari mayat sapi betina itu dan meninggalkan sisanya..begitu saja.. kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh tentara sekutu ditambah proses transisi militer yang dialami oleh Italia menyebabkan para penduduk menjadi kesulitan mendapatkan bahan pangan.. dan osteria Livia harus tutup karena tidak ada bahan makanan untuk dimasak.

Sementara itu, ditempat yang berbeda. Kapten James Gould pria muda berkebangsaan Inggris mendapatkan jabatan baru..setelah kemenangan pertempuran tentara sekutu di Afrika..James dipindah tugaskan ke Italia..menjadi Pejabat Pernikahan (Wedding Officer), di Naples (Napoli) tahun 1943. WO bertugas untuk menyeleksi gadis-gadis Italia kekasih para tentara sekutu.. para gadis-gadis Italia ini diselidiki; apakah ia gadis baik-baik atau pelacur, dimana tempat tinggalnya, dan siapakah yang membiayai hidup mereka..James dikenal sebagai petugas yang disiplin, anti sogokan, tidak bisa dirayu, sedikit kaku tetapi tegas menerapkan aturannya untuk mencoret siapa saja gadis Italia ini yang tidak memenuhi syarat. Hoho..sampai timbul ide dari maitre d Angelo..untuk menjadikan Livia..peluntur hati yang kaku ini..dengan hidangan yang disajikan dan kecantikan wajahnya..

Atas bantuan Angelo, jalan Livia untuk menjadi juru masak para pasukan tentara sekutu ini..mulus nyaris tanpa pesaing..percakapan pertama Livia dan James mengenai persepsi mereka terhadap kuliner negeri mereka masing-masing, ada satu hal yang layak untuk dikenang, misalnya;
Kapt. James Gould: “satu hal Mrs. Pertini; kuharap belum terlambat untuk memberitahukan ini; tidak ada diantara kami yang makan bawang putih.” Lanjutnya “lada merah yang kalian makan disini..apa namanya itu?”
Livia Pertini: “Peperoncino”
Kapt. James Gould: “itu dia..kami juga tidak suka itu”
Livia Pertini: “itu saja?”
Kapt. James Gould: “kentang lebih disukai daripada pasta-kami tidak begitu suka maccheroni seperti kalian orang Itali. Tetapi kau akan melihat bahwa kami tidak terlalu merepotkan. Banyak daging, dimasak dengan benar, tomat lebih disukai tidak dimasak sama sekali, roti, saus..kau bisa dapatkan saus dengan sedikit mentega.. itu hebat sekali! Dan ehm..minyak zaitun sedikit saja”

*waktu makan siang*
Livia datang membawa hidangan spektakulernya.. haha :D rasakan itu tentara sekutu!!
Fetuccine yang diaduk bersama banyak saus tomat, minyak zaitun, bawang putih cincang, seledri dan dihias dengan daun kemangi yang sudah dipotong-potong.
Kapt. James Gould: “saranku sama sekali tidak digubris..”

Pada satu peristiwa, James mencurigai Livia menyajikan hidangan yang berafiliansi dengan warna bendera Italia; merah, putih dan hijau.. James curiga itu adalah salah satu bentuk protes Livia atas pendudukan tentara sekutu di Italia..

Sedikit protes disana-sini.. sedikit curiga..sedikit simpati..dan pertemuan mereka yang terus menerus. Ibarat pepatah:
Dari perut naik ke hati, pasokan sajian yang terus dihidangkan Livia walaupun bukan selera James awalnya(tau sendiri kan kuliner asli Inggris, anyep alias tanpa rasa)..dan seiring kebersamaan mereka; James dan Livia mulai jatuh cinta, kedekatannya dengan Livia mulai sedikit melonggarkan aturan James mengenai para gadis Italia untuk menikah dengan kekasih tentara mereka..James banyak menyetujui pengajuan pernikahan beda negara ini.. masalah mulai timbul ketika James berniat menikah dengan Livia.. apakah yang sang Officer ini akan melanggar aturan yang diterapkannya sendiri?? Dan apakah keduanya dapat bersatu ditengah kecamuk panasnya perang dunia ke-2 dan Vesuvius yang tegas menentang bersatunya mereka??

1 review1 follower
October 2, 2018
This book had a little bit of everything I enjoy- a WWII story with interesting characters, a love story, adventure, beautiful scenery I could see in my head as I read the descriptions and recipes for delicious food from my father's birthplace. What can I say - I liked it and look forward to reading other books by this author.
Profile Image for D.
315 reviews6 followers
October 1, 2021
I very much enjoyed a different book by this author, but this one missed the mark for me. Well constructed narrative though.
Profile Image for Cheeseplant Larry.
307 reviews15 followers
April 23, 2023
It's quite well written and it has enough interesting content that isn't romance-orientated for me to actually enjoy it. The references to food are wonderful - so very different from other novels. The writer clearly loves and appreciates both cooking and good food (as do I). Recommended.
Profile Image for Sinta Nisfuanna.
975 reviews57 followers
July 24, 2009
Berlatarkan Perang Dunia kedua, kisah romansa antara Livia Pertini dan James Gould bergulir. Sebuah kisah yang mengambil setting tempat di Negara Italia. James Gould adalah seorang pejabat pernikahan, yang bertugas untuk menghalangi para tentara sekutu menikah dengan wanita Italia. Semula Gould adalah pejabat pemerintahan yang tegas dan berhati dingin. Segala pengajuan pernikahan yang mengatasnamakan, tentara dan wanita italia, pasti akan ditampik dengan berbagai alasan. Tidak hanya masalah pernikahan yang dirugikan, tapi James Gould juga memerintahkan rumah makan untuk ditutup, dikarenakan banyaknya aktivitas pelacuran yang tersimpan di balik perdagangan makanan.

Banyak pedagang yang dirugikan dengan peraturan yang ditetapkan utusan sekutu tersebut. Salah satunya Angelo, seorang pemilik Zi’ Teresa’s rumah makan elit. Dia mengalami kerugian yang cukup besar atas penutupan usahanya. Akhirnya, untuk mengatasi masalahnya, dia menyusupkan Livia Pertini, seorang gadis Fiscino, Italia. Yang secara tidak langsung akan menggoda Gould dengan keahliannya meramu masakan. Dan benar, James Gould tertarik dengan Livia, menyebabkan beberapa keputusannya menjadi melunak. Akibatnya, dilema pun memenuhi kepala James Gould, sebagai pejabat penikahan, yang tak sepantasnya mencintai seorang wanita Italia.

Anthony Capella memberikan beragam wacana dalam buku yang dipersembahkannya untuk sang ayah. Keindahan teluk Napoli dan gagahnya Gunung Vesuvius, tak mampu menutupi kekacauan kehidupan Napoli, penggelapan penisilin, pelacur yang telah menjadi “identitas” dari 90% jumlah wanita, pembunuhan tanpa kenal hati, bahkan kekalutan saat si gagah, Gunung Vesuvius, meletus. Kisah keterpurukan social ekonomi Italia menjadi dengan cerita romansa antara Livia dan Gould, serta deskripsi menu-menu masakan.

Namun sayang, di balik deskripsi cerita yang apik, buku dengan ketebalan 560 halaman ini bertuturkan dengan amat berbelit-belit, bahkan saya tidak merasa kehilangan ketika melewatkan beberapa halaman. Selain itu, banyaknya tokoh dan permasalahan, sering kali tidak terangkai dengan baik, seperti kisah antara Jumbo dan Elena yang tidak jelas arahnya kemana, ataupun cerita Eric yang menggoda Livia, terasa hanya selentingan untuk penambah ketebalan buku.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 402 reviews

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